Really, these pictures aren't great because I took them myself. (Like you guys couldn't figure that out. Duh Dawn!) The lighting wasn't very good either. But you can get a general idea...
Here's that pretty turquoise jacket. I thought it looked nice until I saw this picture on my computer and realized it makes me look like a box. EW!
Much better! At least you can tell I have a waist.
I like this one too. It looks a little tight in the pic, but it's just because I tied it back too tightly. Oops.
Dark jeans, blue, slight stripe shirt with wide neck and collar, and brown corduroy jacket. I even accessorized for this pic! Aren't you proud of me?
The black jacket with that bright pink shirt. I actually don't hate the shirt like I thought I would. I do, however, hate the jacket. Blech!
Jeans, rose sweater, brown cord jacket and that scarfy thingy. I'm undecided about this one. I think it looks ok, but I hate sweaters. Ugh. The scratchiness, the uncomfortableness (it could be a word!), the long sleevedness, and the general hotness! Yuck!
And the best one of all! My capris don't fit anymore! Of course, I still have like 50,000 pounds to go, but little by little, right?
OK, I've never been a shoe person, but this past weekend I turned into a woman obsessed! I love these! I'll probably fall on my face if I try to walk in them, but being a short person, I'm willing to take that chance.
Then I found these! I love these too! So I bought them both so I can take them home and agonize over which ones to keep and which ones to return.
Most of you said to wear the first black dress for my red carpet moment and I agree, but I have to have it taken in on top a little bit. I don't think the scarf goes with it though. It's more of a flannel-like fabric. It's got a little sheen to it, but I think a silkier fabric would work better. I think.
So there ya go. I've finished freaking out about the event. I figure - I'm going to be in Beverly Hills! It doesn't matter what I wear. No one's going to be looking at me anyway. I'm getting a couple nights away from cooking and breaking up fights and cleaning up parmesan cheese mountains! Who could beat that?! I'm honored to be invited and I'm proud to represent the average MOM!
Oooo! Oooo! I almost forgot! So, I went to my mailbox at the UPS store to get my packages this afternoon. There are these really sweet guys who work there and today one of them told me, "You look nice today." OK, I was just wearing jeans, but I had switched out a t-shirt for a nicer top. And I changed from Crocs to heels. I think I had on a bit more make-up than I usually do too. I'm pretty sure that's what he said, but what I heard is, "Wow, you don't look as disgusting as you usually do today."
I laughed and said, "Yeah, I ditch the t-shirt and slap on some make-up now and then."
He countered, "No, I meant you usually have more of a casual style." This is a nice way of saying, You usually look like a bag lady who has sparrows nesting in her hair."
He said, "Really, you look great." I believe I responded to this with a snort.
Now, here's the thing. I think he was sincere. Maybe he just said it because it was time for me to renew my box (which I forgot to do!). Either way, I believe the correct response should have been a simple, "Thank you." It is not ladylike to snort when someone compliments you. This is just for your reference if you should ever decide to forego the "Mom" ensemble for something a little classier and someone notices and pays you a compliment. And I highly recommend doing that now and then because nothing can put you in such a great mood as a cute guy saying you look nice.