I bet changing poopy diapers wouldn't be so bad if you had this elegant diaper bag! With this leather bag and Johnson's products, your baby's poop would probably smell like roses! OK, so maybe not, but still ... check it out! I want one! Feel free to donate this to me if you win. ;) Or, if you want to keep it (dramatic sigh), you could look just like Melissa Joan Hart, Tori Spelling and Dancing with the Stars/E! News Correspondent, Samantha Harris who are all currently carrying them around.

Just leave me a comment on this post (please include first name and last initial!) and I'll select a random winner on Friday, September 19th. Good luck!
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 550 Newer› Newest»I would LOVE to have this! I've been through so many diaper bags lately and this one looks like it would last!
Ruthie B.
Wow, that's a nice diaper bag! And I happen to be in the market for one come January!!
Stephanie C
That is so nice. I would really like one that looks not too much like a diaper bag.
Lisa M.
What a gorgeous diaper bag! Thanks for the opportunity to win one!
Lorraine M.
I would totally love to win this for my SIL. She just had her third child last month.
Juliana G.
That is beautiful! Count me in.
Kecia G.
Wow! Would it be bad to keep the bag and give the contents to my sister in law for her new baby? Well.... I suppose it might be tacky. I'd love to give the bag to her she's due in just 3 weeks!
That is a fabulous bag! I would love to have one, not to mention all those great products!
Courtney W.
I love this bag! My sister just had her first baby and would LOVE something like this. I would love to give it to her.
Melissa J.
What a gorgeous bag. Not diaperish at all. Man, I would look good sportin' that around. Dawn M.
Ok I would leave this great story about how I would love to have this hoping you would pick me but it says a random winner! so I will just cross my fingers and hope I get chosen. P.S. Thanks for giving away this great stuff!
Therese C. North Branch, Mi
Me, me, me, PLEASE??? :D
That would be perfect for baby #3 on the way.
Jan N.
Our daughter was born two days ago. This would be awesome!
Mary W
Oh my...that's bee yoo tee full! I'm in the market for one for a first grandbaby!!!
I absolutely hate diaper bags that LOOK like diaper bags... but I adore purses and this one looks more like a purs. I would LOVE to have it. I hope I hope I hope I win...
With a bag like this changing time, might even be fun. Tya K.
Oops, I forgot to put my name!! I was too excited!
its Stephanie S.
Adorable! Audrey M.
I hope that I can win this bag. It would make me look like a responsible parent, not like now when I'm carrying my purse (because it lopks adult like) and a backpack (because it's the only bag I've found that holds everything). Thanks!
Denese S.
Ohhhh, what a purdy diaper bag! I'm sure I could get a lot of mileage out of it.
Amber V.
Great diaper bag, who wouldn't want this? All the Johnson and JOhnson products are great, too...we are big J&J fans!
Love the bag!!
Debbie M.
I'm expecting my third child right now and I so need a good diaper bag. I never got a good one for my first two kids. I would love love love a nice diaper bag like this. Pick Me! Pick Me!!!
Jacqui M.
I would love this diaper bag. Especially since my dog chewed a hole in the one I have now :(
Kim S
I am pregnant with my second child and would LOVE to win this diaper bag!! Thank you!! Staci L.
Oooh - I looooove this!!! Fab fab fab!
Heather P
You're right, I wouldn't mind changing diapers with this bag... I would just rub it and try to breathe past the nauseating stink of my daughters diapers... ;)
Amy E.
Oh, you mean THIS is all it would take to look like Samantha Harris??!?! Well, then . . . count me in!! yeah!
Lori H.
That is gorgeous! I would love to win one!!!!!
Amy :-)
I would really love to win this.
Diaper bags have gotten so much nicer over the years.
This one is GREAT!
Dawn, that bag is awesome! I would've loved to have it when my daughter was a baby. I can't use it now, but what a knockout gift it would make for my niece's baby shower this spring.
Sandy C.
My baby is now nearly 2 and I'm still looking for the perfect diaper bag before #2 arrives. I hope I win! Thanks for the giveaway!
Brianne S.
What an awesome giveaway! I don't have a baby, but my sister does and she would love it.
I would love to win this! I have an 11 month old and have another baby due in March, so it would be very nice for us!
Shannon S.
very nice! And all the goodies inside are awesome too.
Love this bag and the J&J items are wonderful!
Kimberly M.
What an awesome Diaper bag. I so need a cool diaper bag like that.
Cora H.
I would love to win the bag for my daughter. Claire H.
This would make the perfect gift for my pregnant sister-in-law!
Cristina M
I am in need of a new diaper bag! I LOVE Johnson's products!!!
Aimee C.
Oh yes! Still have two in diapers. Have had someone in diapers for over 7 years now! I've forgotten what a purse looks like. This would be nice!
Carol V.
Looks great! I'm expecting #2, so this would be perfect. :)
Allison M
I'd love to haul my daughter's loot around in that!!!
Traci R.
I know you'll choose a random winner, but today IS my birthday... :) and actually, I would give it to my sister-in-law who is expecting her first baby in November. I only have a zillion diaper bags already! Allison F.
That is the most gorgeous diaper bag ever! I really NEED it!! :)
Amanda VE
Oh. I love it! I have two in diapers right now and that would keep me better organized. :)
Wow! This is really great! I have another little one coming in a few months!
Sarah A.
I have a friend who is expecting and she would LOVE this! The bag is great, not to mention all the wonderful products included!
Jill W.
I would love to give that diaper bag to my sister in law who is having her first baby in December!
Random Picker PICK ME! I don't just need this bag I WANT this bag..LOL!
Jennifer M.
Flanders, NJ
I wonder if it would fit a laptop?
Wow...what a nice diaper bag. My husband won't let me buy a diaper bag, instead we have been using an old backpack from his college days. GOOD TIMES!!! I would SOOOO love to have this for my 3 month old. My daughter won't even put her stuff in my current backpack.
Okay, I desperately need a new diaper bag! Ours is showing so much wear that it's time for a new one. Pick me! Pick me!
Shan H.
How beautiful is that??! My current diaper bag is a piece of trash; I MUST have this new one! So pretty! :-)
Hannah G.
Pick me! Pregnant with my 4th child, and on my 15th diaper bag (give or take). . . Ready for a good one! :)
Rhonda M.
I would love to win this as a gift for my sister who is having a baby soon. (Or maybe I'll keep it to use for something other than
I think a leather diaper bag would ALMOST mitigate the pain of having 6 kids, if 3 of them weren't now teenagers... sigh.
Lara D.
I want it! That is so gorgeous! I love that it doesn't look like a diaper bag. With two in diapers, I can no longer just throw a diaper in my purse and go, so I have been on the lookout for a new bag.
Sarah C.
My mom is pregnant right now and this would be a perfect to give her. It really would make her day, I oh so hope to win!
That's a beautiful bag! I'm pregnant with #3 and have gone through several diaper bags and have not found the perfect one. Maybe I'll win and my search will be over!
Wow what a nice bag. I have to say I wouldn't mind winning it and of course all the goodies inside would be great too!
This is much classier than any diaper bag I've ever had! I'm thinking it would probably last longer too! Yes please please please!
Ingrid S.
My cousin is expecting twins, I would love to win this for her.
I would love to win & give it to my SIL for her baby that was just born last week.
Dana D.
I would LOVE to win.
Allison B.
I don't even know if you choose a winner at random, or if I need to say something witty to win this, but I would love to win! I am due with baby #4 in December and we go through a ton of Johnson's products in our house. Plus I LOVE that bag. Please let this be my lucky day!
On Sept 11 we had a new grandson. And I would love to win this for all his little needs.
Joy G.
me me me! i love the smell of johnsons pink lotion on my little one after a bath. it brings back all the baby memories...and i like the bag:)
-Molly M.
Lovely bag!!
Amanda D.
Amazingly chic diaper bag. Much better than what I am using!
I would love to win this! I have a 18mo old and have a lil one due in dec.
clearly I can't follow instructions either. My name is Cheryl R. OOPS!
Love the chic diaper bag! Way nicer than mine.
Melissa W.
I'd love a new diaper bag for baby #3 due in November!
Kara A
Ahhhh - I WANT IT! What an awesome bag, and to have my little baby smell so good with all that loot inside? What a deal! I love that 'pink lotion' baby smell. ;-) Courtney C.
OOOOOh, that's a really nice diaper bag. And I totally love Johnson and Johnson stuff. Here's hoping my number is picked!!
I could use a new diaper bag. 5th child's due in Feb. :)
Wow! I would love to have this diaper bag! It's absolutely gorgeous!
Steph P.
Oooooh! Pick me! I love it! Stephanie C.
pick me!!! looks nice!
Would LOVE to have this one!!! Wow!
Thanks, Dawn.
Cecilia G.
How fitting would it be that the most expensive bag I've ever owned would be my 5th child's nappy bag?
Wouldn't be hand me downs this time!
Pick me please!
Patty P.
I would absolutely LOVE to win this awesome diaper bag! I just found out I am pregnant and would LOVE to win it. Pick me! :)
What an amazing diaper bag! Please enter me, Mommy needs a new diaper bag!
(Esp. since her ratty old one doesn't make a very good impression, and tends to lose items smaller than the holes in it! lol!)
Lisa-Anne W.
Wow...totally gorg! Would love that! Thanks!
Michelle L.
That is an amazing diaper bag. What a treat. I am sure that the diapers would be sweet smelling, too.
Melia S.
I would love this diaper bag and the free products!
Melanie U
I LOVE this bag! I so hope I win this!
Denise M.
Oh I love this bag...it would be perfect with a 16month old and number four on the way!!!
Amber I
What an awesome bag! I think it's the awesome-est bag I have ever seen! I would love to win this! We go through a ton of Johnson's baby products in our house. I would love to carry this stylish bag around. Thanks for the opportunity!!!!!
Jessica T.
That diaper bag looks great i so need one of those. I babysit my neice and 2 nephews and have to carry along alot of stuff my neice is 3 months nephews are 2 and 3. I hate bags that look like diaper bags and dont match anything or rips i need one that will last so i dont have to spend money buying new ones all the time. please pick me
Colleen C from NY.
Oooh, I LOVE it, and how convenient that the zipper on mine is broken.... I hope you pick me! - Patty H.
Oooh I want this. I am the queen of bags. My hubby calls me the bag lady. Paula T.
Oh, so pretty. I would love this!
Katina S.
With 5 daughters having a bag like this would be great. BTW thank you for spreading the word about childhood cancer. I lost my daughter 3 years ago to brain cancer and it always bothers me that there isn't more said about the kids. Thanks again.
Kathy J.
OMG that would be perfect as we were trying for baby #6 but 2 weeks ago found out we are having 6 and 7!!!!
Christina W!!
Oh how nice! I'm new to this pregnancy thing and so excited for baby giveaways!
Christina B.
That is a great bag! And the JJ products are always great!
Lori O.
Oh, please pick me... it is too cute!
Amy S.
What an awesome bag! I am in desperate need of a new one!
Lynn L.
Count me in!
I would love this diaper bag! I have a not-so-stylish-but-very-functional diaper bag, but it would be great to have a super cute diaper bag to carry around with my sweet babe! Pick me, pick me! :) Becca M
Oh, I would love to have this. Every mom needs a little bit of style to go with the spit-up and diapers!
Haylee M.
Wow - GREAT turnout so far! I'm not planning on needing one of these again, but I'd love to give this to a certain mommy-to-be that I know...
~Meredith D.
This would be awsome since we just found out we are having our #5 baby and we have to start at the bottom again. This pregnancy is a huge surprise
Wow, what an amazing bag! I would love to win this. Thanks.
I would so love to win this for my brother & sis-in-law who are expecting their first cutie pie in January. THis would make such a great gift -- so much better than those diaper bags with cutsy cartoons on them.
Liesl G. in NJ
Oooh, that makes me actually want to carry a real diaper bag, instead of the purse combo I've been using for so long it's not longer it's original color!
Becky S.
That dipper bag is so nice.
I hope I'm the random winner!
Vicki V.
Great giveaway! Thanks!!!
Nicole W.
OOOOO, I need that diaper bag for me, I mean baby #4. Kristen B.
My good friend is due in November and would LOVE this bag! I, on the other hand, am DONE having babies.
Kate M.
This looks awesome!! I am pregnant with my first child and would LOVE a diaper bag like that!
Angela M.
WOW! That is one beautiful bag! Love it, love it ,love it!
I would be interested in winning a bag that nice.
Emily W.
What a beautiful bag! I'd love to win it!!
I would love to win this bag and the product's in it.
I can dream that I'll be lucky enough to be picked....right?
Thats awesome IdLove to Give that to my Niece At her baby shower.Mary H
I am not sure it would be flattering on ANYONE for me to look like Tori Spelling... but I sure would like the Diaper Bag.
- Joshua
So my last comment I didn't leave my name...niiice....I would love this....soooo...
Billie M.
Oh my, I've probably purchased $400 worth of diaper bags in my kids' lifetime! To have one that my outlast the kids would be awesome! And it would save me the hassle of shopping for more bath products since my daughter thinks they're all bubblebath!!
Hello Dawn! What an awesome give-away! I would love it, and here is why...
My aunt watches my son. She gets him three days a week. They have an overweight Corgy (which is a very funny site, if I may say!). He is a crazy dog! I like to keep snacks in my diaper bag, because you just never know! Well...Mocha the corgy smelled snacks. lots of them. Mocha chew all the way through the diaper bag to get to M&M's and crackers. I no longer have a diaper bag. It was a very cute diaper bag! I loved it! Brown, with polka dots! It was perfect!
Sure could use a diaper bag....
Sara K.
What, a diaper bag without silly animals and pastel colors? I love it, I must have, please very much!
Jana L.
pick me, pick me ;)
This diaper bag probably costs more than my car! lol I'd love to win it, since I'm too cheap...ummmm, I mean...frugal..to buy it for myself. It looks great too (especially since I've been carrying a diaper bag for the better part of 11 years!) Fingers crossed!
Vicki B
Wow! A diaper bag that would hold all my stuff and actually look cute. Whoodathunkit?
Would love to have it!!
Mary W.
What a nice bag! Please enter me in the drawing as I just happen to have a grandchild due in January.
Love that diaper bag! Wishing I had $400 to spend. Maybe I'll be lucky and win!
Michelle P.
Wow that diaper bag is REALLY nice!! I would love to win, thanks for the chance!!!
Tami C.
After a year my diaper bag is pretty embarassing...I could really use this one, it looks awesome! Maybe if I won it my husband wouldn't be so averse to carrying the 100lb diaper bag.
Emily A.
Oh wow. My diaper bag is killing my shoulder and this one would be worth the $30/week I'm paying the chiropractor.
Amy M.
Birmingham, AL
I would love to be the lucky winner of the wonderful diaper bag.
Linda H.
WOW! I've never had such a "hip" diaper bag! I'm now toting around my 6th child and would love to have a stylish leather diaper bag. I think I've been through 100 diaper bags over the years but this one looks like it will last. I also love Johnson & Johnson products so that would be a sweet bonus! I would be honored if you would pick me. Thanks, Teresa B
Oh, pick me : ) Love this bag and the goodies!!
Laura W
I change diaper bags like I change underwear. This one definitely looks like it could hold up.
Amanda G.
As a mother of a brand new baby I would love to win this.
I love this bag! Count me in!
~Nicole L.
Alright - count me in. I don't think that I've ever entered to win anything on your site - but seriously - gotta love a diaper bag that doesn't LOOk like a diaper bag.
Wow, you're really giving that away? Pick me! Pick me! Pick me!
Love your reviews. Thanks for the chance to win cool stuff. Just found out after 5 years of infertility treatments that we will have a baby in March. (this is after we stopped the treatments and put everything in God's hand).
Jennifer W.
Crestview Fl
WOW! My sister is pregnant and I would LOVE to give her this bag full of goodies! Thanks for offering it to us!
Lisa S.
I would love to have this.
stacey m
What a beautiful diaper bag! That's one my husband wouldn't be ashamed to carry as well. He currently hates the "shocking pink" one I have! Here's hoping I have good luck!
What a gorgeous bag! With 3 kids in diapers, my diaper bag IS my purse, so I would LOVE to have one that wasn't so diaper baggish!
Jody S.
Now that's a serious diaper bag, and the goodies inside, too.
Sue D.
That bag is GORGEOUS! I've so been needing a new one, hook me up!
Kristin J.
I'd love to give the bag to my sister, who's having a baby around Christmas. What a wonderful present it'd make!
Cindy C.
I would love to win this. But I just love reading your blogs anyway, whether I win or lose.
Thanks for being so entertaining & yes, I thought you did a great job sounding like a game show announcer.
-Gail P.
Ooh! Ooh! Ooooh! (me waving hands frantically in the air)
**oh, yeah; you can't see me...**
I'm due in 5 weeks with my third child, and my oldest JUST ripped up the only decent diaper bag I have (had) last week...
Come on, random integer!!
Sarah W Crow
What a great freakin' bag! My kids are finally starting to leave the diaper stage, but we've still got 6 or so months till we're ready to begin leaving home without diapers.
I have to win this! I have a baby due in January. =)
What a BEAUTIFUL diaper bag and one with such STYLE for the modern mom!! I absolutely ADORE it! :-)
Farrah from...
My friend is having a baby next month. She would love to get this bag, and I would love to give it to her! It is beautiful. Jennifer T.
I'm a mom of 3 girls under the age of 4. I'm always needing a new diaper bag!
WOW! I feel like I'm in 4th grade, waving my hand frantically, saying, "oooh, pick me! Pick Me!" That's gorgeous and practical to boot so I would love to win it. I must not be out of The Tunnel if I'm still drooling shamelessly over a diaper bag! :o) Blessings, Whitney F.
I would love to have this diaper bag. I have three kids and have never had a fancy bag like that. What a great prize.
Wow! I would love that bag!!
Wow! I would love that Diaper Bag! It looks so classy, and what great stuff inside.
Michelle B.
For my diaper rash.
Love your blog! The diaper bag is beautiful, thanks for the chance to win!
OOOOOHhhhh....a grown up looking one! It is so hard to find that in the sea of wally worlds, targets, etc! Out of curiousity, how big is it? We like the good sized ones here.......lol.
And since when have you ever had one of your children have poop come out smelling like roses? Did they eat the roses? Spray the diaper w/ a perfume? Do tell as my hubby cannot stand the smell of poo- makes him gag.
WOW! Very impressive!! I want! :-)
love your blog, thanks for the chance to win!
~K. Landis
You could make this Nana the hottest "Nana" in town, toting a "cool" diaper bag like that for her little grandchildren! And to have it come stocked already, who could ask for anything more. Ok, so I wouldn't GIVE it to you, but I'd be willing to "share"! Thanks for thinking of us.
Diane Haynes
Beautiful bag!!! And I could use all the products that come with it!!!
Jennifer B.
The last thing I need is another diaper bag - so of course I'll win!
If I win it, you can have it :)
Amanda S.
Would LOVE to win such an incredible diaper bag & all of the goodies inside. Thanks Dawn.
Ok, pick me, pick me! I absolutely love it!
Audrey H.
Whoa! Check out all that Johnson's swag!! W00T!! Pick me, pleeeeease??!??
Oh yeah, and the bag is nice, too!
(I would be afraid of getting baby fluids on it and ruining it...)
Leigh D.
OMG! That is the MOST awesome looking diaper bag ever! I would love, wait I NEED this daiper bag. LOL
Kim H.
Ooooooh, aaaaaaaahhh, I would love this diaper bag. sharil@live.com.
the perfect present for my uber picky sister in law!
erika s
Sadly, after 3 1/2 years and 2 kids, the EUC Kate Spade baby Bag that I got on eBay has seen better days. Thank you Dawn for giving us the chance to win this great bag.
Wow. That diaper bag is stylin'. But I'm at least as excited about the Johnson & Johnson stuff!
Have kids, love to travel. A diaper bag that looks that nice, will make me feel so chic!
so, I got coffee all over the diaper bag today and thought, gosh, I'd like a new one rather than cleaning this...
Missy E.
What an awesome diaper bag! I am due in a few short months with my second and would LOVE a stylish mommy bag ;-) I would be in heaven with such a beautiful bag!
That is a diaper bag I wouldn't mind using long after I no longer need to carry diapers :)
Daphne H.
Ooooooh, soooooo pretty :)
-Erika W
Rebecca B
This is beautiful and I'd love love love it!
Wow! It's soooo prett. Crossing my fingers that I win!
That's a beautiful bag! I've just started looking for diaper bags - I'm due with my first at the end of January!
Jennifer S.
Wow! Somebody is going to be one lucky person! Hope it's me!!!
Ah - my cheapo diaper bag that I got free from the hospital is falling apart! This is perfect!
Kristie M.
I could definitely use this great bag and all those Johnson products. Plus I really want to look like Melissa Joan Hart.
Jen L.
Oh my, I want that bag. I love that bag. I, I am speechless. Lol! I love that bag! Here I was frustrated with my diaper bag cause its the one you get from the hospital and its falling apart (!) and going to switch to a large purse, but this is so beautiful that I would HAVE to stick with it! Maybe even beyond baby years! Lovely!
Christina G.
I would love to have this and use everything in it. I have a baby coming in November and it would be great to have this and use it. Holy cow all the stuff in it!!
That's Nice!!! Thanksfor doing this Dawn!
Here's the info you need to make me a winner :)
Shere R.
Thanks again, you rock!
That is a beautiful diaper bag!! Thanks for giving us the chance to win it!!
I would love to get out of the disposable bag stage of my life!
Lauren A.
I would love that! It's completely perfect for my best friend who is having her first.
Kelly S.
I have always used the freebie from the hospital, I am due with number 4 on friday. I would love to have a "real" diaper bag.
Suzanne C.
Nice bag! I'd LOVE that!
I would Love to have this. I watch my god daughter now and I am in the process of becoming a foster parent.
Veronica S.
Great looking diaper bag!!! My husband would actually carry it too!!! Johnson and Johnson has the best products for babies!!
Allison C
Hey, I'd love to win! Have a great day :)
This bag looks awesome, wouldn't mind having it for myself. Yeah
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