Sunday, July 27, 2008

Just Jawin' Away

...on my new Jawbone, that is.

Moms are the queens of multi-tasking. Tell me, when was the last time you did nothing but sit and relax while on a phone call? It doesn't happen. While talking on the phone, I change diapers, fold laundry, make lunch, and clean the kitchen floor. I make almost all my calls while doing chores or driving. I have a feeling most of you know what I'm talking about. Do you have any idea how many times I've inadvertently disconnected my friends and family while talking on the phone and doing some other task? I think I disconnect my mom nearly every time I talk to her. And at least half of those times it's by accident. Kidding. Just kidding, Mom! Seriously though, I'll have the phone cradled between my shoulder and ear while I fold laundry and I'll turn my head to yell at the kids tell my kids something and suddenly I hear a dial tone. How often does this happen to you?

And growing evidence indicates that cell phone use is a contributor in car accidents. Several states and jurisdictions have enacted laws prohibiting handheld cell phone use while driving. Many other states have introduced legislature proposing similar bans. Chicago is one of those jurisdictions that has banned hand-held cell phone use while driving.

Hands-free is the way to go both for talking on the phone while scrubbing toilets and making dinner and for driving the kids to soccer practice and running to the grocery store. The new Jawbone lets you talk while going about your day. And without accidentally disconnecting your call too. (Well, as soon as you learn not to push the unit into your ear while talking because you can inadvertently hit the "hang up" button if you do. Sorry again, Mom.)

Believing that products worn on your face should look nice, they've designed the new Jawbone to look like a classy accessory and not a big honkin' piece of technology. But despite the fact that it looks like jewelry, it really is a cool piece of technology featuring the patented Voice Activity Sensor which eliminates noise and let's your voice come through loud and clear. The new Jawbone is 50% smaller than the original Jawbone which means, you don't have a big ole microphone hanging down your face. This is good because you won't feel the need to ask people, "You want fries with that?" while wearing the slim new Jawbone.

The Jawbone comes in 3 colors: black, silver, and rose gold. Each unit comes with 3 sizes of ear buds, and 4 different ear loops for a customized look and fit. And you can charge it by either plugging it into an outlet or your computer.

Now here's the cool part. I have a new Jawbone to give away to one lucky reader. Here's the deal, leave me a comment on THIS post and let me know how you multitask while on the phone. I'll choose a winner this Friday night. Good luck!


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Feisty Irish Wench said...

I talk to the friends I neglect, while washing dishes, yelling at my 13 year old son to stop tormenting his sister, yelling at my 6 year old daughter to quit screeching at her brother, reading blogs...and that's at home. I talk to coworkers, the boss, and do my work at work. Merchandising requires two hands most times, driving here requires three. Somewhere in there I answer text messages from my 15 year old. I've been known to knit or crochet while I'm at home on the phone. Really, I do neglect my friends and they just don't deserve that because they're really awesome friends who don't need (or want) to hear the sibling rematch in the van while I talk to them. Besides, my sister hangs up on me if there's background conversation on the phone. No. She did NOT spawn so far, the Chicken.

Anonymous said...

Oooh oooh! Me Me! Pick Me Pick Me!! Hehe I'd love a jawbone but am too cheap to buy one. :)

Love your blog! I have 3 kids but I really need to forward it on to my friend who have 5 boys.

Thanks for all the laughs!

Anonymous said...

i have 5 small children and when I need some adult conversation there is nothing that stops me from calling a friend! Alot of household chores I don't know if i could do without talking on the phone!! But like some have said that more than often leads to me hanging up the phone with my chin accidently! I would love to win one of these!

I love your blog!!

Anonymous said...

Multitasking on the phone is my life. I work a lot, and when I'm not working, I'm trying to find out what happened to all my friends I used to see.

While I'm talking to them I'm realizing I put the dishes in the dishwasher, but I never turned the dial to start it.

Did Mom say that I could wash these colors together, or were they supposed to be seperate?

(I should have paid more attention when I was a kid.)

"Oh yeah, I forgot to put the chicken out to defrost for dinner tonight."

Then the person on the other end of the phone is wondering why I'm telling them all of this.

If I had an awesome Jawbone headset, I probably wouldn't trip over my headset cord when sorting piles of laundry. :(

Anonymous said...

I talk on the phone when walking the dog, folding laundry and dishes. Since I am a less than perfect driver I don't pick up my cell phone when driving. A head set would be great an allow me to return phone calls when shopping etc. I hate using my personal time at home to return phone calls.

kerbeary said...

This would give me a reason to buy the new cell phone I've been wanting!

Unknown said...

multitask sounds easy I feel like I am walking a tightrope all day. The home phone and cell phone ring all day. The kiddos start screaming the instant I answer. They have taken over my car and broke my headset I had. My three banshies are taking over my world. I now live the wonderful state of CA where I HAVE to use a headset and since they broke mine I don't have one so I am waiting to get a ticket for using my phone in the car while I run around with the three under three all day. Boy do I ever need a headset. Maybe they won't notice I am on the phone now and they will just think I am talking to myself.
As for the shoe issue my youngest claire bear is constantly taking her shoes off and losing them in public places at least once a week. It drives me nuts.

Unknown said...

For me, hands free is the only way to be!
I like to talk while I take my dogs on a walk.
I like to chat while I feed & groom my cats.
I like to discuss when work is in a fuss....
I love to chat with friends for hours on end...
I could do all of this at a glance with the jawbone if given a chance!

Anonymous said...

The only time I get to catch up on my phone calls is while I'm driving home from work. My arm gets sore after a while holding the phone to my ear.

I had a bluetooth before,, it came with the phone but I lost it after 2 days. I really would like to replace it but can't see spending the money.

Nancy said...

As a homeschooling mom of two boys (why do they call it homeschooling when we're never HOME?), most of my multitasking on the phone is done in the car. I just got my first blue-tooth phone a few weeks ago, and haven't gotten around to getting a headset yet. Since I drive my kids (and myself!) an average of 240-320 miles a week (most of our activities are 30-45 miles away), that's a lot of driving! I'd love to be more productive, since I'm starting an online business this fall, and starting a cooperative, alternative school for our homeschool group. I would love to the rockin' hot mom who has the totally fashionable headset!

Anonymous said...

How do I multi-task? I multi-task nonstop...Here's a typical day in the life of the mother of 4 boys...(I tend to volunteer more than any one person should.) While taking the oldest to football (& picking up his friend who would otherwise ride his bike down the highway-very dangerous), #2 to sports camp, #3 & 4 to swimming lessons, I am also making campaigning phone calls for a local candidate, in between phone calls to a printer to schedule setting up the layout for the High School Hockey schedule poster, stopping long enough to answer some emails concerning a fundraiser for an upcoming Leukemia/Lymphoma event, then picking up the high schooler (& whoever else didn't get a ride home), dropping them off, returning to the pool to hang out while the little guys swim for an hour, schedule with grandma time for oldest to mow lawn, calling hubby about what's for dinner & whether or not he plans on helping the neighbor with their overgrown weeds (just left for Iraq for a two month "mission"), contacting the president of the local hockey association to see whether the uniforms have been repaired for the upcoming season, picking up the new soccer schedules for #3 & #4's soccer teams (I coach), and calling #2 soccer coach to plan and organize practices for the upcoming season. Contacting local businesses for sponsorships, & scheduling a team photo op. Oh, did I mention this was all before 12:00pm...from a handheld cell phone...? (And I didn't even include the laundry or breakfast & everything else mothers have to do to keep everything on track...)

Know what?

Cindy said...

You bet I multitask. I am a soccer mom of 4, a Girl Scout leader, and a full time nursing student. I am one of those bad, bad people who talks on the phone will driving to school, but only because I have no other time to take care of business. Please, please, please give me this Jawbone before I get sent to jail for yakin' and drivin'.

girldawg said...

I multi-task by putting my kids to work for me !! But I still need at least four extra hands....and I only have TWO kids...I don't know how you do it !

Channah said...

I multi-task on the phone by trying to pry whatever my son has in his mouth out of his little 6-month old hands, and then putting a rattle or other toy in its stead. I then make the appropriate "uh-huh" noises on the phone. Then I run over to the window where my dogs are barking, and pull them away, so my neighbors don't think my dogs are psychotic. I run back to my son, who is trying frantically to pull himself out of chair, and onto the floor. "Uh-huh, yeah," into the phone again. I run back to the kitchen, and turn off the oven, and quickly pull dinner out before it's too burned. Then I run back to the baby, and get his hands off his diaper - how did he learn to take his diaper off, and while clothed, no less?
I then murmur into the phone, "Of course I'm listening! What kind of person do you take me for?"

If I had a blue-tooth headset, I could add the "pry the headset out of my son's mouth, wipe it off, and put it back in my ear" step that I'm so clearly missing to my phone routine.

me and my 3 said...

I walk around the house with my cellphone between my ear and shoulder all the time (have to constantly escape to a room without kids in order to hear)- a decent bluetooth headset would save my neck. Had one that didn't seem to fit well so gave up on it.

AlaneM said...

I don't know if this is still going or not but I'll enter just in case. I would LOVE one of these things - we don't have a landline & I would use this all the time@

Mary Beth said...

Anytime I do more than one thing at a time... I am 'at risk' of falling, tripping, running into something, adding an unwanted ingredient to dinner, etc...

So... having a bluetooth would be greatly appreciated by my body and my family. If I don't have to HOLD my phone... maybe my brain won't really think I am trying to multitask.

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