This is a compensated review by BlogHer and Pop-Tarts.
I love making my kids' Halloween costumes. I don't sew, but I'm pretty good with duct tape and a hot glue gun. Actually, come to think of it, I'm not all that good with a hot glue gun as I always seem to burn my fingers when I use one. Anyway, I love coming up with creative ideas for costumes. Here are a few I've made in past years...
The Whack-a-Mole costume I made for Austin a few years ago

The Marge Simpson costume I made for Savannah a few years ago

Here's a young Jackson, dressed as Jimmy Neutron.
I think it's fun coming up with creative ideas for costumes. It sure beats the kind I had as a kid. You know, the plastic costumes that tied in the back and the hard, molded plastic masks with the little rubber bands of death that would always snap you in the face. These masks had those little slits in them for the mouth and we'd stick out tongues out and cut them on the sides of the hard plastic. Ahhh yeah, good times, good times.

This year? You want to know what my kids are going to be this year? Well, I don't have all the pieces of their costumes in place quite yet, but I'll give you a hint. The kids will probably build a rocket, or fight a mummy, or climb up the Eiffel Tower. Maybe they'll discover something that doesn't exist, or give a monkey a shower...
What are you or your kids dressing up like this Halloween? Share it here for a chance to win a $100 Visa gift card from BlogHer!
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I'm hoping for Barbie and Ken, but it could be Captain and Tenille.
My sons will be Iron Man and a Blue Crayon, while my daughter will be Snow White.
mami2jcn at gmail dot com
My older daughter is going as repunzel and my younger one...who knows? I sort of have to leave it up to the day and see what she's willing to wear. She might end up going as a crazy 3 year old...which means she won't need a costume at all.
My oldest is going as Iron man..ick the costume is so creepy, but he loves it so I guess that's what counts, and the baby will be a lion this year:)
Love the P&F costume idea!! I have always wanted to do a theme but my girls won't agree on one (and with only girls it's hard to find a good theme...). So my girls are going to be - Bellatrix Lestrange, Batgirl, Madeline and Jessie the Yodeling Cowgirl.
Thanks, now I have THAT song stuck in my head again!
I am not one to make costumes so we just go to the store for those, but I always carve a pumpkin for each of the kids and usually one for each of their teachers too (on foam pumpkins to use year after year)
one will be a fireman and the other a policeman
I am going to be a clown for Halloween. Pretty simple: colorful pants and top, a big bright bow tie, some floppy shoes, and of course…a big red nose. It is a fun costume that I wear every few years when I can’t think of anything else.
My kids will be dressing up as A Fairy, A SpiderWeb Girl, A gruesome monster, and another midnight fairy.
I tweeted
one is a farmer and the other a ninja!
My sweet 12 year old daughter is planning on going as a Gothic fairy. Lord help me.
I do not have children but I will be answering the door in a witches hat as my sister will be taking her three young sons out. Her children are all under the age of 5. They will be dressed as a pumpkin, spiderman and a pirate.
msgb245 at gmail dot com
My 2 year old loves trash cans, so using a silver sprayed 5 gallon paint bucket, green sweats, and 2 styrofoam balls, he's going as Oscar the Grouch.
I like making costumes also, however this year my 12 yr old kept vetoing every idea I could come up w/. He's a hard in between size. Boys are all to small & Mens are to big. We found what is called Shredded Nightmare at Wal-Mart & it came w/ a belt so that we could gather up the extra material. It wouldn't be my first pick but we were running out of options since I'd waited so long. He calls it a swamp monster, which sounds way better than shredded nightmare.
My daughter will be dressed as a pirate.
My kids usually want to be costumes we can buy in the store so I haven't had to make their costumes. This year my daughter is dressing up as Hannah Montana and my son is going to be a vampire. I don't usually dress up although I do have a purple witches hat that I got a couple years ago so I'll wear that. :)
My daughters will be kids dressing up as a ballerina, a princess and a fairy this Halloween
cholden76 at yahoo dot com
Wanna hear something sad? None of my kids are trick or treating this year. They all say they're too old! :( No costumes here...
My daughter wants to be a Who this year.
I think the cutest lid's costume this year is a bed bug LoL
My son will probably go as a rock star!
kmassman gmail
My two youngest will be a ballerina witch and a bobblehead pumpkin
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
Snow White and a Camo-covered soldier. :0)
I still think Superman makes a great costume for boys and Supergirl for girls.
scoopster(nospam)at yahoo dot com
scoopster(nospam)at yahoo dot com
Lego Bricks!! Easy and cheap to make!
Havnt decided yet probably a princess or fairy
My daughter may be Raggedy Ann or a princess.
sazzyfrazz at gmail dot com
my kids are going to be sponge bob and a cute kitty
My girls are being Dorothy and Toto. Although the Toto costume looks more like a werewolf, oh well!
so not only am I leaving you a comment that I was a princess with the plastic mask....but I emailed your link to my local radio station because they were talking about halloween costumes and how they used to be.....this morning they thanked me on the radio for your link and talked about it...even read this entry!
My oldest is going as Bride of Frankenstein, my middle is going as an 80's girl (so excited about that one!!), my son is going as Jason and my 4 year old is going as Dorothy. So much fun making their costumes!!
Phineas and Ferb? That's awesome! That's probably my favorite kid's show on TV right now.
My son is going to be a dragon, again. Because I'm not creative at all, and I couldn't find any cute costumes for a two year old this year. So, he'll be re-using his costume from last year which was quite a bit too big then and just barely fits now. Although, last year we were in a different state, so nobody got to see him in his costume really... so it's almost like it's a new one!
My kids are going to be Tinker Bell and Obi Wan Kenobi.
What did you use to make Marge's hair?
I’m thinking of some movie character I can transform myself into with just what’s in my closet and craft bins. We’ll see…
I think a ballerina costume would be cute this year, even though it's not very creative.
My 9 year old is going to be a twin ninja warrior with his best friend.
My 7 year old is going to be a gorilla. The costume is meant for a 5 year old and is about 3 inches too short on him but it is warm, adorable and he likes it. Why don't they make warm and adorable costumes for older kids?
-Donna W.
We'll be the werewolf family
I'm not creatively-inclined (I wish I was!) so I just rely on what we can find in stores or online. My daughter will be a 50's soda shop girl and my son will be Lightning McQueen.
mine loves dressing up like a clown!
i'm dressing up as heather chandler from heathers :) it will be very.
I will toting around a ladybug and a devil!! For some reason neither wanted to be a princess which is what they talked about all year!!
Kids all want to be princess this year.
My boys will be a transformer and a pirate.
I may or may not have a ninja. My older ones are too old and the youngest is balking because the second youngest is his partner in crime.
My girls are the devil and Aphrodite - pretty appropriate to their personalities! They let me take a picture and I made a great trick or treat card. I will probably go as a bat since I have bat wings!
i am going to be a witch- my son is going to be a cowboy.
tcogbill at live dot com
My dd is going to be a witch and my son is going to be Venom.
I probably won't dress up this year and the boys are not as they are now 13 and 16. But if i do it will be as a gypsy.
prpldy (at) comcast dot net
My kiddos will be Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz and Darth Vader!
heatheranne99 at gmail dot com
heatheranne99 at gmail dot com
My daughter is going as a black cat
My daughter is going to be Snow White and my son will be Annakin Skywalker.
email in profile
email in profile
SECOND ENTRY TWEET!/kytah00/status/28969032076
My girls are going as Dorthy from Oz and a cowgirl!
My son is going to be Toothless, I shudder at the walmart blue night fury costume so I put my sewing skills to the test and made a really kick butt black dragon, wings and all.
My kids will both be pirates. I helped put together some felt shoe-covers that look like boots, but the costumes were basically assembled by my 4yr old. And they came out really nicely!
cbeargie at yahoo dot com
Also tweeted here:
DD is Jessie from Toy Story and DS is something Star Wars-ish!
I saw on another site the pside down man and I am stealing the idea.
I got a mummy and a soldier this year
My son is going as Will from the Ranger's Apprentice book series and my daughter is going as Artemis Greek Goddess). Thanks for the great giveaway!
We have Yoshi,Woody,pinpress (princess) and the cutest lil devil you ever saw
My granddaughter is going to be a scary bloody bride!
My daughter is going as a princess this year
s2s2 at comcast dot net
For Ethan's first Halloween, he'll be a firefighter!
My kids are grown but as children my sons always wanted to be one of the superheroes
nothing this year.
tattgiff at centurytel dot net
My son is going to be a Rock Star
Thanks so much
I have Sleeping Beauty and Snow White in my house.
This Halloween, we are going as bacon and eggs, my daughter is a princess and everybody else is too "grown up" to participate:(
pauleyd68 (at) yahoo (dot) com
pauleyd68 (at) yahoo (dot) com
Booo hoooo I don't have any kids at home any more. And where we live, we've never had a single trick or treater, so I don't even get to see any other kids costumes.
Very sad about that.
my 7 yr old decided to be Yoda
my 5 yr old The Cat in the Hat
my 22 month old a panda
My kids just got back, they dressed as Harry Potter, a Southern Belle and a gypsy.
ajolly1456 at gmail dot com
I tweeted
My son dressed as a farmer and his little sister dressed as a chicken! Thanks for the chance to win!
mrsmchappell at gmail dot com
Tweet -
mrsmchappell at gmail dot com
my little guy was a cute-as-can-be Tigger!!
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