Seriously, the printer I'd been using just stopped working with my laptop one day. I have no idea why and I couldn't figure out how to fix it. Every time I needed something printed, I had to send it over to the desktop and wait 2 1/2 weeks for my desktop to turn on so I could print it. And then, when I clicked "print", it usually printed off a dozen strange pages before it got to my document. I tried to print a boarding pass a couple months ago and had to print 15 pages about Komodo Dragons first. I have no idea
Needless to say, I was thrilled to try this HP printer out! I have never been disappointed in an HP product and this was no exception.
Savannah pulled the printer out of the box and set it up by herself in no time. All I had to do was pop the included CD in my laptop and voila! I was good to go! And, did I mention it's WIRELESS?!

You don't have any pictures on your laptop because they were taking up too much space so you have them on a memory card, you say? No problem! You can insert your memory card directly into the printer and print our your pics! And these pictures look just like pictures that are printed professionally. They don't look like you printed them at home. I was amazed! And, it's WIRELESS!

Can you tell I totally love this printer yet? OK, another feature that I like is that it uses 5 individual inks. If your kids print out 50 pages of green Komodo Dragons, for example, you only have to replace an affordable green ink container, and not an entire expensive color cartridge.

And it's WIRELESS!
Honestly, I really, really love this printer and I have a feeling I've just begun to discover all it's capable of. You will be seriously impressed with this HP Wireless Photosmart C6380 printer!
AND I HAVE ONE TO GIVE AWAY HERE! To enter, leave me a comment below and tell me how you would use this printer - or you may leave a link to your post on your own blog in the comments below. The contest will begin at 12:00 a.m. (PST) on Wednesday, February 4th, and will end Tuesday, February 10th at 11:59 p.m (PST). Make sure that the e-mail address you leave is correct.
No duplicate comments.
This giveaway is open to U.S. residents.
Winners will be selected via random draw, and will notified by e-mail.
You have 48 hours to get back to me, otherwise a new winner will be selected.
No duplicate comments.
This giveaway is open to U.S. residents.
Winners will be selected via random draw, and will notified by e-mail.
You have 48 hours to get back to me, otherwise a new winner will be selected.
Want more chances to win? Go to the BlogHer site HERE! There are 8 chances to win total! Check it out!
Edited to say: The contest doesn't start until 12:00 AM (PST) on Wednesday, February 4th. Comments left before that time will not count. Please stop by tonight at 12:00 AM Pacific (that's 3 in the morning for you east coasters) or later. The contest runs until February 10th. Thanks!
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 932 Newer› Newest»Why I want the HP Wireless Printer:
I want it because I would like to give it to my daughter-in-law who takes the most wonderful pictures of my beautiful, super-smart, talented first and only grandson who is 20 months old so she can print out copies for his grandmothers. He is the only grandchild between our families and the only great-grandchild. He and his parents live 7 -that's seven- long hours away from all of his grands. We thirst for pictures and updates on his daily capers.
I would have loved to have pictures of him the other day when he broke the wheeles off his wooden toy car. He broght it to his Mom and showed her. Uh OHHH
She told him she couldn't fix it without having the wheels, so he went and got the wheels for her. She looked at it and said the screws are missing, "I have to have the screws to fix it", she told him. So he went back into the living room, reached into a basket where he'd put the screws, got them out and brought them to her to fix his car. His dad would have followed me around holding the broken car until I found both the wheels and screws and fixed the car. Seems like his son is going to get right to the point and get things done himself.
Now that's my selfish reason for wanting the printer.
The more mature reason is that my daughter-in-law is in her Junior year of college working towards her teaching degree. She has lots of homework and class projects that need to be printed for her classes. A super easy, reliable printer would be wonderful!
If I can be a three year old again for a minute just visualize me holding up my hand screaming, "Pick me". But three year olds don't hold up their hands, do they? Maybe I would just be stomping my foot and saying pleasseeeeee!
On a serious note, I have read your blog since I discovered you on e-bay and sent your trip to the grocery store story to friends and family. It brought back so many memories and I only had two children tugging at my skirts or hiding beneath my skirt as my daughter was prone to do if someone spoke to her she didn't know. I learned to wear pants in a hurry after she started walking.
My email address is:
I would use it to print the many pictures I have saved on my computer!
I would like a "WIRELESS" printer. Please enter my request.
ok it is 3:06 EST so I hope I'm right... this printer looks great... I just had a fight with my printer tonight! even if i don't win i think we might be buying this!
It probably doesn't make sense to try so early in the game because the first few numbers never get picked, but what the heck! I'd use the printer for printing DS' RAH (Reading At Home) forms and the pages and pages of things I need to edit.
If it's ok to repeat myself from a previous entry, "Who knows, maybe if I won this printer I’d actually get my Pulitzer prize winning novel done, or the Newberry Award children’s book, or a magazine article that will save a life or lead to world peace!" Thanks for the chance.
Wow! That sounds fabulous! I, too, would love the feature that automatically selects photo paper when printing a picture. Hmmm. . . If the printer can read my mind, maybe there is some technology that can help my husband do the same. Nah!
Love your blog and your reviews!
Hey - I seem to be the first! That never happens to me cos I'm up during the night on the East Coast and everyone else beats me to stuff during the day. Anyway, I love your blog - even though my child is 38 and lives in New Zealand - and have recommended it to all my friends. I would love to win the printer since I don't have the ability to print pictures at right now. Thanks for the opportunity and the laughs. G-d bless you and your family.
Oh i was just reading your blog and saw this giveaway and just had to at least try for it:)
My husbands in the army and we have no printer,scanner,copier at home.Nothing! and when hes home he is always wanting me to go to the libary to make him copies or fax something.and since im such a good wife and have time, I do that for him:P
Hes deployed now and im ALWAYS taking pixs to send him.and this would be totally awesome if I could just print pictures from my home.How much better could it get!?
ok before I tell you my life story,I'll end it here on how I would use it:)
It's 5:55 am EST, so I think I'm okay. I have the 6100 model which is WIRELESS (and yes, that is one amazing feature), but you have the switch the photo and regular paper in and out. And face it, I'm just lazy enough to need that upgraded feature. :D
Here I am! Hope the randomness lands my way! HeeHee!
It would be great to have a wireless printer. WOW. That is just awesome. I won't be selected, no one at "#1" does. I wonder though does it work for multiple computers? Good Luck to the winner
I really need a new printer. My kids constantly have some sort of project due and my printer will decide it just doesn't want to print (thanks hubby cheapest model isn't always best )It'd be nice to be able to print!
6:54 am Eastern, can I enter now?
Can I enter now? Can I enter now? (jumping up and down like a 4 year old)
I would use the printer for my final project in my culinary class. I need to put together a recipe book complete with pictures. My husband is in a photography class and will be taking the photos for his final project. It is a win/win/win (if I win) situation.
Pretty please pick me! I really would love to have this WIRELESS printer!
Ohhh... I want it! Purdy PLEASE???
Awesome, this would make life so much easier...not having to run to the desktop everytime I need to print something that usually involves a transfer from the thumbdrive...pick me pick me!!
Ack! My printer is evil and this looks like exactly what I need to finally be able to print like a (semi) normal person!
This printer sounds great. I have millions of pictures of my new grandson that I would like to print. Also, I am typing a book that my dad is writing about his childhood and it would be great for printing that to send to the printing company.
Oh, my! I am a HUGE fan of HP -- and I need a new printer! And wireless! At any rate, I print my pics off my current HP Photosmart, and it's awesome - but it's way overdue for being replaced. I'd love to have this printer!
hmmm, I would use the printer to print stuff!! HAHAHAHAH So ya, I would use the printer for all of the things that I need to print out that I can't because I don't have a printer. How does that sound???
Printers are so important now. Glad to hear that HP has come out with a new one. What a great give away idea.
Hooray! I'm signing up for this one!
I would love this!!Mine was broken when we moved and i cant aford another one yet, i love taking pictures and scrapbooking, keeping y fingers crossed for this one!!
I'm first!!!! I'm never first!
I love this printer already after just hearing about it. I would use the printer to print stuff for school (for me and the kids). I would use it to print stuff the girls have did online and game codes for ds. It would get alot of use. And I need a wireless printer since I got a laptop 7 months ago and like you have to go to the desktop after 2 weeks lol.
Sara B.
I have been eyeing one of those! I started going back to school (and working full time, plus having 5 year old twin boys)....and gave up the desktop for a laptop. It sure makes it a pain in the butt to have to hook up the printer each time I need to print homework or photos.
Sweet!!! I make a calendar every year for my family. This would be awesome for that, as well as for all the stuff I do for my children's school. I would LOVE to see this thing in action!!!
I would print things without having to boot up my Win98 dinosoar upstairs, and maybe print a picture or two million. My printer decided to stop printing in color no matter how many new and expensive color cartridges I put in.
I can totally relate to the Komodo Dragon printing incident.
Darling hubby got me a laptop for our anniversary just so I could get some 'me time' on the computer! However, when I need to print I have to get in line.
This would be an awesome Valentines Day gift for me. Especially since it prints photos - I would use it to print pictures to send to Grandma who hasn't had pictures of her grandkids in far too long!
Sounds like an awesome printer!
Sherry Morgan
Great review...you made me want this printer. It sounds like a printer I could use (think printer for the chalanged). Ok, only kidding but it does sound real easy to use.
Ooh, pick me pick me!
I am so excited about this.
And thanks so much for the review. I have heard a lot about this printer and I've wanted one ever since.
Here's hopin!
Hi Dawn, I really hate my printer! Everytime I turn it on it spits out some strange codes I think only it knows. I would Love a new Wireless printer form HP. Kristine in Michigan, wesleychetah@aol.com
Okay, I know what day it is now! I still NEED a printer! Hubby keeps getter nastier because I still haven't picked one out to buy! Save my marriage!
That is an AWESOME printer! I'd love to have one like that. Mine is so ancient, and I always have to clean the printer heads. I would love to upgrade! :)
Oh my gosh....that printer would be great. i have 2 nieces and a nephew on the way...what a great way to make little shirts for the babies!
Ooh a printer that actually has individual ink cartridges. I want one! It would save me a ton of money getting caught up with printing off pictures for grandparents!
Oooh, how I'd love an HP for dummies, I mean me. Not having to switch out paper/photo paper is a dream come true!
Best giveaway ever! Ooh, pick me :)
Hi Dawn! I would use this printer as MY PRINTER. My husband "owns" the den in our house, where his laptop, desktop and huge flat screen monitor, and HIS printer/fax/scanner lives. Oh, and did I mention he's a slob? I finally bought myself a laptop so I wouldn't have to wade through the filth every time I wanted to check email, but if I need to print something I have to lug my laptop into the den and plug it in to the printer. I'd love to not have to go in there ever again!
This printer sounds too good to be true! I would love to win this one and make "printing life" so much easier!
i love your giveaways!
i dont have a pringter at home..but i do have a 13 year old son, so you can imainge how often i hear about how we need a printer. this one sounds COOL!! having one at home would sure beat printing things secretly at work and smuggleing them home! good luck to me! thanks for the great bog reading every day.
a fan - sandy
Oh my gosh...That would be amazing for printing my scrapbook pics. I could print my pics in my scrap room and not at my computer...
T. S. Timmons
Really though - what are the chances that the FIRST comment would be selected in the random number list... probably pretty darn slim. Oh well... a scrapbooking girl can dream of such a printer masterpiece!
OMG!!! My 9 year old ink jet just died! I could totally use this! The seperate ink cartriges would be great as my old printer cartriges must have been made of gold for what they cost.
I'm fortunate enough to have a summer cottage (inherited, but still...) but not fortunate enough to have a printer there. Thanks.
I would love the photo capability with this printer. I had to run out to superstore purgatory yesterday to get prints made for my dd's science fair board. Sure would have been nice for her to take care of it at home! Having this printer would help oodles with the kids' assignments. Thanks for the giveaway!
p.s.-I'm the DORK that left a comment yesterday. Hope I wasn't the only one. No, I don't have issues following directions; in my mind it was already Wednesday! One of those weeks that I have so much to do I don't know what day it is. Sorry to make more work for you!
Thanks for all the reviews! We haven't had a working printer in forever because my husband keeps trying to find a free one! Go figure!
Ok, whether I win this or I have to buy it, I must have this printer. I need a wireless printer so bad. I went to the HP link you provided and they don't show the HP C6300. After googling HP 6300, it looks like the C6300 is a series. Which one of the series do you have?
Nice Printer. That would look very nice next to my new computer! ;)
This sounds like a dream!! No more tangle if cords for the printer, Zune, drawing tablet, etc. My port is on the bottom of the modem...I spend too much time on my knees with my head doing the "Linda Blair twist" to see the place to plug in the printer.....
Love it!!
Fingers crossed
Hmmm how wouldn't I use it? Seriously though, it would be so great to print my own photos, and hopefully the birth announcements for my next child (due in Sept it looks like) :)
I love pictures just as much as you do, maybe more! I don't have book shelves in my house, I have picture shelves! I would LOVE a WIRELESS printer.
Hi Dawn... I love HP stuff too! one question though - Is it Wireless???? Because THEN it would be Totally Cool!!!!.... LOL!
So sign me up for the contest!
I would use this printer to print newsletters and my photos!
Wow! What a great concept. We have wireless setup in our house, but haven't purchased a wireless printer. With us making a militar move out of area in a few months, it would be great to be able to print pictures of our adventures for the kids to make their own scrapbooks. I have a bunch of pics saved on my computer, but I never remember to send them to the store to be printed. Would be great to print them at home!!!
I have never heard of a wireless printer...how incredibly awesome! My husband was given a brand new camera for Christmas and his birthday is just around the corner. If I won this printer, it's definitely going to be his birthday present!
I would PRINT STUFF with it. :) Namely, pictures.. mostly pictures. I love pictures.
Oh my dear God it's wireless.
So it's now 6:51 a.m. PST on 2/4. Am I correct in starting my begging for the chance to win this?
Well, I think I'm within the time limits. I would love to win this printer and would use it to print out pictures of my one month old granddaughter.
That is cool if it truly is wireless:)
I would use this printer to - well to do everyhting that my currently broken five year old printer cannot! I've just set up a wireless network in my house so a wireless printer would be insanely awesome - and the fact you can put regular paper and photo paper in it is a huge deal!
I'd love to win the printer. thanks Dawn.
This would be awesome to win... currently I walk my laptop into the office, plug it in and print... then I unplug and walk back out to join the family. I could USE this, and I'm just not willing to splurg on buying one.
Thanks Dawn, you're awesome!
I so need a wireless printer! Every time I want to print from my laptop I have to unplug the phone line, plug in the computer, pull the long USB cord out and connect it! What a pain! I NEED a wireless printer and even if I don't win one...I think I know which one to go get now! Thanks for the great review Dawn, you are awesome! :-)
Ooh, this sounds like something that needs to live at my house! :)
I would *love* a printer that does photos! Currently, I send all our digital prints to Walgreen's to get printed. :-( They're okay, but well, the quality is not so good.
Wireless is just way cool! I have too many cords to deal with around here!
I want it, I want it!!! My printer is on the verge of crapping out on me!!! I always buy HP products!
Chris Pierson
Oh I hope I win. I almost forgot to come back today at leave a comment. Thanks for referring to it on your other blog.
I want it, I want it!!! My printer is on the verge of crapping out on me!!! I always buy HP products!
Chris Pierson
ooooh I would LOVE to have this printer! I do digital scrapbooking and would love to be able to print them all out! And too, maybe my hubby would quit saying "What a _______ wired up mess" when he looks under my desk!
Thanks for the chance to win Dawn!
I don't think I've ever been so excited reading about a PRINTER before...but MAN!...you made me want this one in the worst way!! My kids don't print out pictures of dragons...we get full pages of Zac Efron, Taylor Swift, pretty much the entire Disney channel staff..in full color..LOTS of color. So I would LOVE the separate ink cartridges. THanks Dawn!!
Great printer! I think it belongs to this scrapbooker's home :-)
I have two three-year-olds...just the idea that I could get work done from my couch and print it off to a printer (even in another room!) and still be able to keep an eye on my little mess-makers (I mean, my adorable, sweet angels who never do ANYTHING to cause trouble) is a good thing! Sign me up for the contest, please! :)
I would use this to print out pictures of my kids that otherwise would continue to live solely on my digital camera!
emily (at) momminitup (dot) com
The last time I had pictures printed was when my daughter was two months old. She's almost 2 and a half now. I just don't have the time or money b/w two girls to get to the store and have stuff printed. This would be wonderful!
I just had the same issues with my printer last night. I would love to have this printer to print my scrapbooking pictures, etc.
I would love to replace my printer that does not work any longer. You make it sound wonderful!
Thanks, Dawn.
HP printers are amazing! I would love to be able to give this to my sister in law and her family. They just moved to the USA on Saturday, and came with just what they could carry in 2 suitcases each. They are trying to get things together to start a home here, but it will take a lot of time and money. We have put together a computer for them, but do not have a printer yet..
thanks for the chance to win such a great prize!
Lisa M
I would use it to print off pictures of my 2 little girls to send to my family so they will leave me alone about pictures!!!
I would like this printer. Just a few days ago I was talking about how I needed a wireless printer and this would be perfect. I have two home-based businesses and they both require me to make lots of copies of material to hand out. My laptop is downstairs and the printer is upstairs. Having a wireless printer would make my trips up and down the stairs fewer. I had double foot surgery a few months ago, and going up and down the stairs still hurts-A LOT. Please pick me!!
Chris in PA
I would use this to print pictures of my son and to print off coloring pages for him to use. Email is jgb_fowler at hotmail dot com.
I love the "your metaphor is hurting my cankles" commercial about the wireless printer.
All our print stuff is upstairs in the office and I'm constantly on the laptop, downstairs or outside (when weather permits). If I go upstairs then my son hounds me and I get nothing done. Having a printer that I can move around and that is wireless will save me a lot of grief!
Robin Hillyer Miles
I would love a new printer! Mine currently doesn't know it can scan, and when it prints it never picks up the paper so I have to manual feed each paper in by hand. This makes printing out anything over 1 page a pain in the butt.
plus with wireless, I can put the printer somewhere where i actually have SPACE instead of squeezing it in a corner by my computer.
And since i print photos, this way I don't have to constantly switch out between photo paper and regular paper!
I would LOVE the printer!! I know that the way you pick is totaly random, but that doesnt have to stop me from telling you that I love your blog and read everyday! I would use it for my college needs and for printing out pictures and scrapbooking! email address is sarahsondgeroth@yahoo.com THANKS!
I would love this printer! I'm expecting my first child in June and taking many picture of my expanding belly to send to family! Of course, come June we'll have tons of pictures to print!
this printer would be used for the occasional recipe, but most likely it will print reams and reams of crafts my daughter finds on Noggin.com
I want this printer because it's wireless, and I'm too lazy to take the laptop to the other end of the house to plug into a printer. Just keeping it real here...
The printer sounds very cool. I have an HP laptop and I love it-- would love to have my own printer so I don't have to shuffle through dozens of pages of Diego and Dora printouts to find my stuff!
Very cool, now they just need to make never ending ink cartridges! ;)
I would love to finally get some of these thousands of pictures off of my hard drive and into some of the really nice frames that I keep getting for presents! This printer would be SO awesome. As someone with 4 computers in the house it would be nice if more then one computer could ACTUALLY print.
Love the wireless idea!! Read your blog everyday...love your kid's antics!!!
Edwardsville IL
First let me say, I love reading your blog.
Second, I would use this printer not only to print pictures, but also for school, I'm in college right now and my current printer is about to crap out on me any day now, so this printer would be a life saver.
I would love to print pictures with this awesome sounding printer! I love that you don't have to upload pictures and can print them right from the memory card!
I love my new HP computer so I like that it's HP. Also I NEED a wireless one since my new laptop is in the living room most of the time and it stinks to have to get up and plug it into the printer or turn our desktop on. Not to mention that with Vista I have to find all new drivers.
I would love this because I have so many pictures that I want to print off and I know I'd actually do it if I had my own photo printer. Plus our printer is not as good as it used to be.
I would like to print pictures that I take right at home instead of going to walmart or somewhere else as equally frightening.
I would love this printer. I have twins, so I am constantly having to do everything on my laptop in the living room (so they dont destroy the house), then run as fast as I can, upstairs to my desktop that has the printer to print things, meanwhile, hoping there isnt complete silence, so I know they arent getting into something!! It would be so nice to have nice quality pictures of the kids when I want to, instead of waiting until they are staying with gramma, or trying to print while they're sleeping and covering the darn thing with a towel because its so loud!
I would love to win this! My kiddos are always needing something printed!
I already have a "wired" version of this printer and it's FANTASTIC! I'd love a wireless version, mostly so I could move it across the room and clear up space on our computer desk!
This would be perfect; I could get rid of one really, really old ink jet printer and stop hinting and leaving notes about a photo printer for my husband to find and just have ONE printer that does both regular and photo printing!
I wouldn't have to send my pictures to the store, wait for an hour (while twiddling my thumbs), drive to the store with my 8.5 and 7 year old homeschooled boys (who I swear, forget how to act in stores on purpose to drive me crazy), pick them up, drive home and wait for my sanity to kick in before I scrapbook those lovely pictures.
Thanks for the opportunity to win (and restore some sanity)!
I have so many pictures that I never get to print. I love that you can do so many different things, but I would especially love to be able to print out pics of my kids from the last 5 years. Yes, I said five. It may be more, but who's counting.
My little ones might actually one day be able to look in our family photo albums and acually see pictures of themselves!! I need this printer! Please random drawing, pick me, pleeease!
My latest printer purchase was in 2002, so yes I need a new WIRELESS one that has the different ink cartridges. And the different paper slots. My husband doesn't check and prints out his jokes on my printer paper!
Remember Dot Metrics printers. Yeah, mine is about that old. It takes 3 people with thick glasses and pocket protectors to hook it up and 2 days to print off one page. With this fancy printer I would actually let my kids print the sheets the color from the computer. And I can stop buying memory sticks for my camera because I could actually print off the pictures. My parents who live in another state would be able to show people what their mystery granddaughters look like. I would also use it to, well print. Instead of getting the directions, writing them down, drawing a map, I could click print on my laptop and it prints in the next room!!
P.S. I saw you in the Redbook magazine and I wanted to tell the girl on the treadmill that my friend had a story published when I realized it was a once sided friendship.
I would love a wireless printer!! Tami
omg...I need this sooooooo bad! mostly for my kids homework...4 doing hw takes quite a toll on a $25 clearance printer! :) Maybe every once in a while I'd get to use it too!
I would use it to print the gazillion photos I have of my children that I keep promising myself that I'm gonna print and put in their baby books! I've got lots of albums that need filling, and this would be perfect!!!
I am a 32 year old mom of 3 in college. My oldest will begin high school next year and my middle is in the gifted program (meaning more extensive work, not just bragging). Not only am i in school but i tutor on the side. I am assistant to my son's baseball coach's wife, I am class mom for my son, AND I volunteer at church and in the PTO at the kids schools. Between the 3 of us we print out more than you would imagine. I am getting a laptop to help me keep up with some of this stuff on the fly (i know im old school hanging out at home only to do important computer stuff!!?) I would LOVE the wireless aspect to use it with my laptop. Since i have a silly thought that the kids will take over the desktop when i do get my laptop. LOL
Oh this would make my life so much better, my printer was destroyed when we moved all my stuff when i got married a few months ago and have been without a printer since... i need this baby bad!!
I would love to use it with my new wireless laptop! I would print pictures with it!
Oh I could so use one of these. I would print all kinds of stuff, I homeschool so I would were this thing out!
This looks like a really cool printer.. I attempt to scrapbook, but dont find a lot of time.. I am considering doing more digital scrapbooking and this printer looks like it would help with that..
I'd love to be able to print the eight million pictures I'm behind on scrapbooking...maybe the kids will actually get baby books with something in them! Thank you for the chance!
So I would have a decent printer to use when it's late at night and my daughter needs to print pictures of hurricanes for school -- an assignment she has had for two weeks which included two snow days but she chose to sled on ice rather than surfing the net for these pictures. A new wireless printer would make my life soooo much easier.
I'd share photos with my family
Oh.My.Gosh! I would LOVE to have this printer. I am such a gadget person like you..at least I think I am. AND I love to print pictures and not having to change the paper out sounds AWESOME. Thanks for all you do!!
I would love to have a wireless printer!! Then I wouldn't have to get off my big comfy chair and plug the laptop into our ancient printer!!
Ah, the ability to do just one more thing without moving off my recliner!
I would love to have the HP Wireless Printer for my pictures! I have so many pictures that need to be printed. I could also learn to experiment and maybe make the kids party invites.
This would be so amazing for our family!! I'll keep my fingers crossed.
I would love to win this printer because when my sons come home from college, they can't see my printer in the network so they have to dig out a USB cable and plug their laptops into my printer. It would be so much easier to have a wireless printer.
I would love to win this. I recently got a new laptop, yet I am still tethered to my desk as that is where I have to print from. What glory it would be to print from the kitchen or, dare I dream, my bed!
Wow! Great giveaway. This printer would be used to increase my coupon inventory. I hate using the paper and ink from our home business printer to print out coupons. This would ease my guilt! Thanks!
Why do I want this printer?
Because I got married 3, nearly 4 years ago and STILL haven't printed out my pictures. Which means I haven't made my wedding album or scrapbook yet. My goal is to at least have the pictures printed out by our 5th anniversary! Please help!
I hope I am not too late! I am the photographer of my group and have millions of pictures that I should probably print out and give to others!!
i could really use a wireless printer, i bought a printer, took it out of the box and in an hour my son broke it, he was one. dkny2030@msn.com
I would love to have a wireless printer to use with my laptop. I agree that it is such a pain to have to send stuff to the desktop and then actually get up and print!
Wireless?! That would make life soooo much easier! Thanks for the chance to win one!
I would love a wireless HP Printer. I love HP products and have never had problems with them and it would be so nice to have a printer without all of the cords going everywhere and I could get it to work with my desktop and my husband's laptop.
I never win anything but since I have no printer I am giving it a shot.
I want it because my old HP stopped working. I like the idea of wireless because of all the laptops that come to my house... maybe the college girls will come over even more often so that they can not only use my washer/dryer/stove/food, but my printer ink. I'll never be lonely again.
My very best girlfriend's birthday is coming up soon(running to calendar) and this would make an awesome gift for her! She is THE most positive, upbeat,glassisalwayshalffull kind of person that I know. I've been through some REALLY bad times in the past couple of years and she's always been there for me(with a bottle of wine of course!)
Anyway, would love to be able to give that to her.
Love your blog Dawn, you crack me up!
Shawn in Louisburg,Mo. email: jpowell2@centurytel.net
I would LOVE this. It's such a pain to take my laptop downstairs and hook it up!
I so need this! My printer is a joke. Please pick me!! Thanks!
I would love to win this to make printing my kids school assignments easier. I hate having to save things to a stick and then take them to my computer to print. ( I am too stupid to figure out how to share our one printer between the computers. Lord knows I have tried a million times with no luck) I would also love to be able to print my photos of my adorable 6 kids from home.
I'd use that printer to print lots and lots of pictures of my beautiful grandchildren.
Why would I want this printer....because its WIRELESS!! Someone told me that...can't remember who hee hee !!!
I've got three little girls and I scrapbook...need I say more :)
I would love, love, love to have a wireless printer so that I don't have to schlep my laptop into the classroom (we homeschool) every time I need to print something for my son. I could leave the printer in there and send him things as he needs them. I also NEED a good quality photo printer so that I can actually display some of the great pictures we have that currently come out looking like newspaper clippings when I try to print them. Hmph.
Your blog is great! It reminds me of my house quite often... My BF and I get on the phone and read it together and laugh til we cry.
Anyway, I would love to win this printer. It would make life so much simpler!
Nice giveaway! I need a new one because my old one is dying. It wont print colors anymore, just the BW and I would love to print photos too!
Wireless would be just awesome!
Why I NEED a wireless printer, by me. I print too many things to be sane and I wear out printers. I have had my current printer over a year and a half. The wearing out signs are showing up. I love HP printers and would like to have a wireless printer so that both my computers would be able to print without emailing myself. so, Please pretty please pick me!!!
I would LOVE to have this printer because I have three computers at my house, and only one printer. They are NOT networked. Therefore, if you want to use the printer, you have to either carry it to the living room (for my son's computer), carry it to my room, for my computer, or carry the laptop to the office (where it was originally set up. This is such a major pain in the behind! I make calendars for my family for Christmas, and I did not get it done this year because I simply was tired of carting the laptop upstairs or carrying the printer to my room.
Goodness there are so many comments already! I can tell why. This printer sounds awesome! Who wouldn't want it. Wireless! That's so exciting! I've always wanted an HP printer. Knowing it's a photosmart C6300 All-in-One printer makes it even more exciting! Oh the endless possibilities. I'd use the pee out of this machine! Let's see...pictures, invitations, thank yous, calenders, scrapbooking, you name it I'll probably do it. Does it have a scanning option too? It looks so sleek! I don't wanna beg but please, please, please pick me! I need photos of my babies in my house for a good price if nothing else ;D
You can find me either here
or here
The top address would probably be most successful though
I would love to win this. Like you I am tethered to the printer. Even with a laptop I cant turn it or anything, because the USB is stretched SOOO tight!
Thanks for the chance.
oooooooooh. My printer does not print so much any more as randomly cough out various smudges and possible shadows. With three kids and homework and pictures and all that stuff - having it be WIRELESS would make my heart go pitter pat!!
My printer just stopped working the other day, and it made me so mad. I would love love love to win this. It sounds so awesome!
I'd love to win!
civic483 at hotmail dot com
A wireless printer would be AWESOME! That way I am not "stuck" in the computer room/the room all the junk goes in when no one knows where things get put away. All you moms know what I am talking about right????
I have been home alone with a 4 yr old and 2 yr since August. My husband is a Marine. Is there anyway I can keep the printer with great pics of the kids and send him the kids!!!!
ohhh, wireless!!!! Please enter me!
WOW! Wireless would ROCK! No more waiting until I have 'enough' stuff to print before I extract myself from the couch and climb the stairs, extra large-screened laptop in hand (ok in handS), shove the random stuff that has piled on the old 'computer desk' to the side, connect the printer to my laptop, turn on the printer, and wait for it to test the ink and then FINALLY print! I could just send what I need printed when I need it printed and it would BE THERE when I was done with all my business on my computer. (and I wouldn't store it upstairs either -we all use our laptops downstairs -why do extra exercise?) I not only log into my day job, I also have a side business that requires a fair amount of printing.
I could really use this printer. Our hard drive just crashed and I hadn't backed up our data in a while. I lost all our info including many, many pictures of my kids in their various activites. So sad. I would use the printer to print out all of my pictures. I have a printer, but it's getting old and it's time for it to retire. Thanks for the opportunity to try and win this printer. How great would that be???
I love your reviews! I love HP printers! This one looks amazing. I'm constantly printing out coupons and such on photo paper because I forget to switch the paper in my printer. The convenience of this printer would save time and expense! Perfect!
Because I have two HP printers sitting here. One takes nice big cartridges that last longer than five minutes of printing. I use that the most. I have a regular all-in-one that takes itty-bitty cartridges that last two seconds. I'd love to ditch them both & have a nice wireless one. Heaven for a homeschooling mom. ;-)
I would love to win the printer because I need to print out some info on Komodo dragons! ;)
But seriously, I am a 50+ yr old mother and a returning college student and a new printer would be of great help with turning in awesome homework projects.
My email is digger insert at symbol here cuggionogenealogy.net
I would love this..I have a laptop and NO printer..it would be great to print off pics. This will also be nice for business too....
email is
What an awesome giveaway. I sure could use a new one. Ours is starting to give out. And I need to print off pictures!
Anita in Indiana
I would love this printer so I don't have to get off the couch to hook up my laptop to my other printer so I can print my daughter's homework that she has to email to me to print since her printer is not working!
Oh yes, I would use it to scan and print my doodles from my laptop at home which is not connected to the printer that we have there.
Wireless! I need a wireless printer.
wowee! what a give-away! i hate hooking up the laptop to our printer- this sounds so cool!
I would love to have it. Printing pictures of my beautiful daughter would be a must!
That looks so cool I need a new printer so bad even if I dont win I might buy one !!
oh crap I didn't say how I would use it...
well I don't have a computer at home (just at work) so I never get to "print" my pcitures unless I go to a store with my memory card....so I would love this jsut so I could get some pics off of my memory card!
Oh, I love that it is wireless and also it is so much smaller than my huge monster.
Ooh ~ pick me! I would replace my OLD paper jamming printer with it and try to print my own photos.
I have an HP All-in-One (a much older one) and is a TERRIFIC machine. My problem is, I work from home sometimes, using my work laptop over my wireless network, and if I need to print something, I need to e-mail it to my home address so I can print it out. That's a pain, and it always causes me concern, because some things don't attach well to e-mails, and other things are what I'd consider company confidential. I would LOVE a wireless printer!
thelemmas AT yahoo.com
I would like this printer because I am sick of taking my camera stick in to a store to have pictures printed. The other reason I would like it is because it is free... best reasons I can think of.
I would love to have this printer. I love the wireless idea. My hsband and I keep talking about getting a wireless printer but it never fits in our budget. Now if we need to print something, we have to walk into our room and hook one of the laptops up to the printer. Needless to say, I don't do much printing at ome. I use my computer everyday and would use this printer to print pictures and the homework that I am doing for the classes I am taking to become a certified teacher.
Oh I would love to have one of these. I need to print out all of our wedding and engagement pictures but I'm tired of going to Walgreens and waiting for their computer to load all 800 pictures that I then have to go thru. My printer now is old and slow and I would love the wireless feature!!!
I would love to win this HP Wireless printer because I do not have a printer at home. I do all of my personal printing from my work computer which is bad news. I know this and yet I continue. Winning this printer would help me become a better, more productive employee. Think of all the good feelings you'll have about making that happen! :-)
I'd love to have this! I'm currently in the process of going back to school after having my 4 kids and this would help greatly!
I would use this awesome WIRELESS printer to create fantastical scrapbooks and photo albums that I would craft with the utmost creativity and thoughfulness that is due the recipients of said books.
Who am I kidding? I'd print out some pictures with the intent of doing the above, however that plan would fall to the wayside as I am constantly sidetracked while trying to run my household in a semi-normal way. But I would definitely print out a bunch of pictures to distribute to several family members who need to be able to constantly gaze upon portraits of my wonderful family. Really! I would! I promise!
Anyway....it worked last time, so I am crossing my fingers hoping the random number generator picks my nummber!
Thanks again Dawn!
I would love to try it out... We have 2 printers - a photo printer and an all in 1 printer... and they both are sitting there totally not working. I'd love to have one that actually works, and one that I"m tied to with a gajillion random cables and such. Oh the mere thought of the freedom!
I would give this printer to my sister because she lives in an apartment and doesn't have a lot of space. Since it's wireless, she could put hide it in the closet or somewhere like that!
This is my story!
I have a friend and she got a new printer and I was so excited for her until....I found out it was wireless. Then I was JEALOUS.
You see we are homeschooling family. We like to print off worksheets and other projects. From 2 different computers...mine and the kids. When we want to do this now we have to carry my computer into the dinning room and print our papers out. The kids can not print from there computer. That doesn't sound to bad but it's just not where we do school. The other thing is we can't always print pictures. They just turn out nasty! Our printer is CHEEP. Don't get me wrong it is an HP but just a low end one. Also we can't change any of the settings...not sure why it just won't let us. So we get what we get!
The second reason I want a new wireless printer is I am getting into couponing.....it has helped our family save a ton of money, and start our get out of debt plan. While reading about sales online you can print off coupons from the different companies. This helps save even more. If I could sit where all my "stuff" is and print coupons off...WHEEE HEEE I would be one happy Mama!
OH I want this printer so bad. Really I do. (ok I know I sound pitiful....sorry)
I hope I get this printer....Thanks Dawn and HP!!!!
Grace and Peace,
Vicki in GA
Pick me, pick me! I would love to have this printer!
I would to have one so it would make it easer to do scrapbooking with my daughter.
Oooooooh, purty. I want it and it would make my life easier because I'd no longer have to go to Walmart's photo lab to pick up my prints. I'm sure you know all about how expensive "quick" trips to the store can be when kids are in tow.
This would be totally awesome! I just got my first digital camera and have no way of printing pics at home (and if you could see the clutter on my desk.....being able to put the printer somewhere else where there was actually room would be a wonderful bonus!!). I would totally love to have this printer. I could print my pics at home AND do all the printing of projects & stuff for my kids. Cool!
I would use it to print pics of my new baby boy!
Hi, i have recently been reading your blogs, and they get me through my work day!(excellent 5 minute break) i grew up as one of five siblings, so the stories are very relatable (i now understand my mother haha)
Getting back to the subject...i would use the printer for my graphics projects. i graduated as an advertiser, so i do a lot of graphic design work, and it's important to be able to print the projects out to proof them, and colors don't always come out the same as 'on-screen'.
i do sales for a magazine, and am always learning how to budget the money i don't have. one day! in the meantime, i do graphics projects for people, side income is always welcome.
Good luck with the giveaway, and keep up the good work. Your kids are awesome!
I would love a new printer! Why? Mine is got to be the slowest on the planet, prints HORRIBLE quality pictures and it isn't wireless, so everytime I print I have to go to the other corner of the house to see if my document printed correctly!
I would love to have a printer that we could use to print pictures of our 7 kids. Right now I am still using a very old film camera, but my oldest daughter has a digital camera. We could finally print some of the great pictures she has taken. We could also use it for our home school to print projects. In our family of nine we only have one computer and a fickle printer that decides when it wants to cooperate.
I have a cat that eats through cords. She killed the mouse which led to a new mother board and power something. Then she ate through the power cord on another computer - luckily only the power cord had to be replaced. But she's got lots of lives left and we're running out of electronic equipment. A wireless printer would be so sweet.
Oh wow, Dawn. This is one heck of an amazing printer and we could soooo use it. Saves us money on going and getting our prints done elsewhere and at times... (ok most of the time), we can't afford to get it printed so we're out of luck! I would so love this printer! Yay!!!! :D:D:D:D:D:D I would so print out my artwork too.... ooooo the ideas we can come up with lol. :P
My email addy is: jenepooh AT cato2000 DOT com (I did it that way on purpose lol...)
I can get the kid to set it up? AWESOME. And it's wireless? WOW. That would be so wonderful to have! Let's see, when I'm sitting at the table with the laptop doing homework, I can print it off. When I'm stretching out on the couch, I can print of some puzzles. When I'm sick in bed watching movies, I can type up a grocery list, put "ATTENTION DH" at the top, and print it off at his desk... next to the tv where he'll see it. Maybe I can add in a note for him to bring me the cough syrup too. And breakfast in bed. Yup, that's what I'll do.
I would love this printer to replace an ancient, paper jamming, black & white printer and a fax machine that was purchased during the Bush Adminstration, and I'm talkin' about the old man, not W.
It will make great prints of photos of the Settler's Day Parade. :)
oops...left a comment too early. :)
I want this printer because it's exactly what we need! It's wireless!!! We got a new laptop recently and we can't print from it becuase we don't have a network set up and no wireless printer. Right now I email things to myself and retrieve them from our desktop and then print them. Life would be so much easier with a wireless printer!!
I love the fact that you only have to replace one ink cartridge instead of the whole color cartridge. My kids LOVE to print out pictures and they seem to be all using RED...UGH. Please enter me in the contest...carrot1971@aol.com. Thanks, Dawn! Love ya!!
Ooooo! The HP looks like fun! Would love to win that!
Hello Dawn!! First an encouraging word. I pray for you when I read your blog... something specific if you mention it, generally if you don't :D
Now, onto the HP Wireless printer... WHOA BABY!! That sound fab!! We just went wireless in our house... and the printer is not long for this world I think... and the kids will need to print school project stuff (perhaps on Kimono Dragons! LOL! Bwahahahha!)... anything goes I suppose!!
Have a super great day!
this would be awesome for my at home businesses that i do
Did you say WIRELESS? I would love to reduce the clutter on my desk.
I would love to snatch up a color printer that also prints photos, thanks for this
Wow, you're an awesome mom, a witty writer, AND you have a printer to give away. You're awesome, let's face it :)
Um, I am all about this one, I have been sending all of my stuff to kinkos for a year now since my printer pooped out!
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