Another cool thing about this toy is the fact that it comes with a removable music player. You can record your music on it, then take it out and listen to it like an MP3 player. Kids can take the music player and headphones with them and listen in the house or the car or whatever. It's great if you have more than one kid because one can play with the Kidijamz Studio while another child listens to the removable player.
VTech sums it up on their site: "Kidijamz is an interactive music station that lets kids record their own songs and music and play it back on a detachable music player. Music mixing is a snap with 20-kid friendly tunes. To find their own beat, kids can choose from 10 different musical instrument sounds, five musical stylings, and three rhythm buttons. Adding to the fun, kids can sing til their hearts content with the included microphone and digital voice effects. A musical scratching disc and light-up keyboard round out the fun."
Leave me a comment here to win your very own Kidijamz Studio! And then head on over HERE or to your favorite store and pick one up for your kids. Only 54 more shopping days until Christmas! Leave me a comment and I'll pick a winner on Friday, November 7th!
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 426 Newer› Newest»Oh my goodness.....I so need to get this for my niece. She loves music.....and her mother hates it! HA HA HA The joys of being an AUNT!!
Seriously, 54 days until Christmas? But I'm not ready to start thinking about Christmas until after Thanksgiving, and Thanksgiving is VERY late this year. I think Santa might be delivering toys via the UPS man after Christmas again (yes, I said again) because they were too big to fit on his sleigh.
That sounds way cool... Mister Man has been taking piano lessons, and he plays on the little keyboard I have from when *I* was a kid, but what a step up!
Dawn, that toy looks REALLY cool!!! My son is VERY into music. He writes his own songs and sings to me. He is only 7 (almost 8 the day after christmas) so this is a toy he would REALLY love. I sooooo hope I win this, it would be an awesome present for him!!!
Tami Curiel
That looks totally fun...I think my 18 yo would even have fun on it.
My kids would love to play with that! My 7 year old is very musical and would play with that daily - and I wouldn't mind as long as he uses the head phones.
oh me me! I want it. Please. I have six kids and am expecting my 7th. Anything to keep my kids out of my hair for a bit.
that looks like it is sure to be a christmas favorite!
Super fun toy, LOVE the headphone option that could make life funnier. Well most days I tune them out anyways, well to a dull roar. Thank you so much for all the fun reviews and the nasty reminder of how close Christmas is. Ugh ... Here I come Black Friday. =D Alexis
Pick me, pick me !!! I neeeeed this, especially since it comes with headphones.
I'm one of those that takes the batteries out of toys before they run out. The noise.....sheesh.
My g-daughter was a "repeat offender" when she was two-ish. Pushing the same button over and over and over.
I don't have a blog, can I still win?
Now heading over to the site to window shop for Christmas.
My husband will hate this, but I think it's great! I always want my kids to have music...what a great way for young ones! :} Thanks! :}
My kids would love something like this. They love anything that plays music & my oldest loves to sing with a microphone!
Very cool !! My kids would love it
This toy looks awesome! I've been doing research on this myself for my daughter for Christmas. Thanks for giving me the best review.
I would love a chance to win a KidiJamz! My daughter would love one!
This thing looks awesome! I know my kids would love it!
Kelly Q.
I'd like to give to my little brother's revenge for all the times he drove me crazy as a kid.......
Cool toy! My 5 yr old loves music & could really pump up the jams with this gadget :) Keri
Wow!!! I really need one of these. These are amazing!! It would be great if I could get one of these. I don't believe that we have 54 more days!! that's crazy. I need to get shopping, and this would be an amazing present! Thanks!
Amanda R. from WA
My 2-year-old LOVES music. He would have a blast with this toy.
This very well may wind up on his Christmas list this year!
(by the way, I'm deaf - so this would be like SO perfect... something to keep him seated for more than 2.4 seconds and drive everyone else up the wall!)
Ooh! This looks like fun. My boys would love it for Christmas!
That sounds like a great gift for one of my cousins... :-)
Very cool! Looks like lots of fun.
Oooh...I hope I win, I hope I win. I know, I know, it's a generic comment.
Oh my 3 boys would make some beautiful music!
This toy looks so fun, and I can see all my kids enjoying it. I definitely need some help with my christmas shopping sinceI'm do with baby #4 just 10 days before Christmas. Help me out please?!!!!!
This would be super for my two year old, the odds of her hitting the same button over and over are pretty low, so I might not hate it for the first week or two. Wow, that might be a record!!
Amy E.
Please don't count the days 'til Christmas. LOL
I'd love to win this for my granddaughter. Margaret S.
That looks awesome!! My 9 year old nephew would be in love with that. He's autistic and adores anything to do with music. Thank you for sharing that! I now know what I really want to get him for Christmas! :-D
Oh my goodness that looks like so much fun, I don't know who would have more fun with it, my son or me! lol. But it would be awesome if I won.
This would make a nice gift for my youngest son. His big brothers might even enjoy it! Hope we win!
Yes, you are right...Christmas is coming! Wouldn't it be awesome to add this to our house to raise the already high noise level...LOL!!!
What a fun time that looks like. I'll have to check that one out.
What a neat toy and I am sure any child would have so much fun with it. This giveaway is also at the right time. Just before Christmas. I still can't believe it's less than two months away.
That looks cool. All 4 of my kids would love that.
Oh, my kids would love this. You had me at headphones, Dawn.
My daughter would flip!
She just told us she wants an instrument for Christmas in the car today! She didnt seem to specifically care the type.
I've been looking for a fun gift for my soon to be 6 grandson for his birthday. Sounds like KidiJamz would definitely fit the bill. Love reading your blog, Dawn!
Hi Dawn,
I love reading your blog, I hope to be the winner of this Kidijamz! I hope my name shows up for this since I signed up for blogs to vote on your blog!
lilkj (Kathy)
What a cool toy! I bet it gets pretty loud in your house!
That looks awesome! I would so love to win one!
Looks like fun! Headphones would be a big plus.
Oh i would LOVE to have one of these for my little ones, and possibly me from time to time:P)
And Christmas is NOT that close...Its a lie i tell you!
Very cool--I like that it has headphones!
This looks really cool. My son would love this. He really likes playing our piano but it doesn't come with
I never win ANYTHING, except when you picked one of my responces to be on SSO! That was AWESOME! I felt like I was a celebrity! My husband thought I was nuts!
This would be an awesome gift for my 2 kids.
Dawn, you rock... I love your blog! keep them coming.
I have 5 would be nice to have this and be able to cross one name off my Christmas list. Looks like lots of fun!
I have four kids and lots of shopping to do...this would be a great gift for anyone of my kids!
Never heard of this but check it out. Or just pick me!
All three of my boys would love making music on this...thanks!
This is a great toy. I run a daycare and am always looking for new ways to entertain the children during the rainy weather. I don't make much money and it would be great if I were the winner.
Terri Taylor
What an awesome toy! My three-year-old would absolutely love it! He's a little musician. Yesterday he climbed on top of the laundry basket and started to perform "International Harvester." :)
Oh wow. My 9 year old would love that. :) I can imagine that it would help with him exploring his creativity.
I have kids that LOVE I know this would be a big hit!
Any kid would love this!
Pick my random number...please!!!!
Penny S.
That has two of my son's favorite things- buttons and music! And as a music teacher, I'm sure he needs it!!! :)
Wow!! Would LOVE to give this to mine for Christmas!! I cannot believe there are only 54 days left!!
Kelly in Texas
oh that's great! my son loves to play the "pano"!!
This would be the perfect gift for my 4 year old. She loves music.
I would love this for my son! He absolutely LOVES to sing and makes up songs all the time. PLEASE, random generator, PICK ME!!!
My daughter would love this! And I love the headphone idea!
Jill W.
Hey! I'd love one of those! My baby is so musical she'd LOVE it. My wife, on the other hand...
Thank you so much for this giveaway. I would love to win this and cross one of our names off the Christmas list.
How fun is that? My kids would love it. They love to sing and dance, so why not play the music too? Thanks Dawn!
Ooooh, this might actually keep my 2 year old entertained for more than 5 seconds!!
That would be a perfect toy for a Christmas gift for my 7 yr old boy - he loves his music. Thanks for offering it!
Ooooh, pick me! I have a 4 year old and a 21 month old who are pushing every button in the house! Mostly mine... but still - something that they can legitimately push without getting in trouble would be great!
I've got to win this for my grandkids! They LOVE making music and making "shows" for us! They would think they had the best Nana ever if this showed up for Christmas. Fingers crossed
Diane H
My 3yo and 6yo love to play the drums and guitar that thier aunt so 'thoughtfully' purchased for them. I'm sure they would LOVE more noise making equipment. Pick me pick me!
Kelly in NY
Looks like fun!
My kids love music and this one sounds like lots of fun.
That is really cool! I think all 3 of my boys (ages 13, 8 & 3) would be fighting over that thing!
That looks like fun. I' kids would love it.
Looks like lots of fun...and learning at the same time!
My 2 year old loves loves loves music and would love this toy. Thanks for the heads up! Of course, if you pick me that would be awesome too!!!!
Jacqui M
Laurel, MD
We were just playing with all the musical instruments at Toys R Us a little while ago! But we didn't see this one. Would love one to give as a gift though! Christmas is coming way to fast.
Shirley H.
This would be the best present for my grandson. His dad (AKA darned Son-In-Law) took a job in Montana and had the audicity to take my only grandchild with him (he took my daughter too, but what the heck?) We have bought all the CD's that incorporate his name into the song that we can find. PLEASE, pick me so I can be the bestest gramma in the world.
P.S., being a computer dummie,(Not to mention, older than dirt) What is the URL thing??
Hi Dawn, I would soo love to win this for my nephew he is so into music he loves drums guitar dancing singing and his mother hates it and yells at him about it, but i think he has a talent he would love this and love me even more if i won this for him please pick me
CeCe from ny
I love it! I hope I win so I don't have to buy one!
Oh, please, Random Integer Generator, PICK ME! ! ! I still can't believe November is here already!
Wow...what a cool toy! My kids would love it! It's great that it comes with headphones and a little music player! Great toy!
So cool! I' kids would love this.
What fun! It looks like a wonderful Christmas present!
My three kids would all love the kidijamz. I'm already in a panic because Christmas shopping isn't enough done and Halloween is past now! I know, I'm a little obsessive. It's how I function.
WOW my kids would love that but thankfully they are all too big to admit it .. well maybe not my youngest .. but still i owe my brother in law for the glitter and hair painting set he bought one of my kids last year i think my neice really needs this.. she would definitly LOVE it.
Jennifer H
Hello... mother of 5 here! Please pick me.
My almost-5-year-old son would sooooo love this. He is very musical and really needs it. I guess if I don't win I can buy it ::sniffsniff::
This looks like so much fun. I can see me and my boys playing for hours and driving daddy crazy when he gets home. Now that he is gone for a year we get to bring out the noisy toys! :D
Hey Dawn, My kids would sooo love this. May just have to ask Santa for one this year! :)
Christine H. from Cortlandt Manor, NY
Oh how cool!
My 3 kids would love this!!!
And thanks for the reminder about X-mas! (note my sarcasm) hehe!
I have 3 young music lovers... who would LOVE this!!
NO way!!! WE JUST HAD CHRISTMAS! Seriously though, my kids would love this.
Robyn O.
Azle, TX
WOW! This so cool that I would like to play with it, too.!!! I REALLY think my 2yo, almost 3yo would LOVE this for xmas!!!!!'re kids are cute. =)
That looks like a lot of fun...yikes I better start shopping soon if Christmas is really that close!
Oh m'gosh, oh m'gosh, oh m'gosh! I so need/want one of these for my son. He is a budding musician or, errrr rather trying to be but he would SOOOOO love this toy! I never win anything and am down on my luck right now ithout work so let's hope this is the start of turning it around and for many wonderful things to come! Ohhhhh PLEASE let me win. **SiGh** (Wishful thinking LOL)
My Ariel loves anything and everything musical. The headphones would be a godsend at my house! I'd love to have one of those
My boys would love this! Great gift idea to!
WOW!! That is so cool!My daughter would love it. She loves to sing and make music.
Oh my goodness! I love it, I need it, I want it!! My daughter will too! LOL I'm totally freaked now with only 54 days till Christmas. Let the stress begin!
My daughter really wants to be a rock star so she can help pay the rent. Along with those piano lessons and guitar hero, KidiJamz may just fit the bill. That is a rockin' toy!
What a wonderful toy! My superstar would love it!
Just what I need to give to my BROTHER'S KIDS :)
Pick me, pick me!
I bet my 4 & 7 year old would LOVE that!
that sould like fun, count me in!! My kids and/or great-nephews would love this!! Blessings.
My boys would be thrilled. Afew christmases ago we got them a keyboard, when the batteries ran out we considered it broken. No headphones drove mommy crazy!
How fun! My 3 year old would LOVE this - and thank goodness for the headphones!!
Kristie M.
This sounds like it would be a lot of fun for my kids...they both LOVE music and have broken my piano by "playing" it soo much!
Anjie B.
Wow, this looks like fun! My girls love music, they would have a great time with it. With the headphone option, it could even go on long trips. Thanks for the heads-up.
How cool, my girls would love this! AND headphones so I don't have to hear their looovely compositions ...what more could a girl ask for?!
This one is definitely going on their Christmas list
My girls would LOVE this. They love music and dancing. My 22 month old can't sit still and music seems to help her get her sillies out! This would be a hit in our house! I'll just buy an extra set of ear plugs.
I would love this for my niece! I think her Dad who is extremely musically inclined would probably have a blast with it too!!
Looks really cool, my grandson would love it.
Wow! we need to get one of two year old is so musically inclined we're thinking of shipping him off to soon as he's potty trained!
Thanks, Dawn!
Wow what an awesome toy! And to think I played music with pots and pans growing up!
My budding musician would love this!
Ever since they saw Nuttin But Stringz on Noggin my kids are sooo much more into music this would be GREAT for them !!!!
I've always been the "cool" aunt, that buys the loud, musical, flashing lights toys for my nieces and nephews! This is a must have toy for them this Christmas!
Gracious ... my son would go nutty for that thing. (Which means I'd likely go nutty FROM that thing. LOL)
And eek ... only 54 days left???
Smiles, Jules
Nice toy. I hope your children didn't play it all the day ;)
My son would love to get one of these~ Thanks for showing us all the great things that are out there.
I've been thinking my kids need more music in their lives...
This looks really cute!
But really, only 54 more shopping day?
My 2 yr. old daughter would love this, and I love that it comes with headphones!
Oh my gosh, my daughter would LOVE that! She's always banging away on her toy piano and LOVES music. That would be such a great gift to go under the Christmas tree!
Looks like a great gift for my 5,4, and 3 year old! Would love to actually WIN a Christmas gift. May have to pick this one up..... would fit into there little rock band shows!
oh wow I really need to get this for my niece and nephew. Kinda payback to my brother for all he has done to me through childhood. lol
You just *had* to remind me how close Christmas is, didn't you!
Seriously - my kids would love this!
I love that you download your own music and take it to go AND the headset feature! My boys would absolutely love this!
I have a sweet little boy who would love,love,love this!
And oh yeah, and I'm trying to ignore the Christmas countdown, thank you (deep gasp of panic)!
Love your blogs Dawn, you are getting me ready for little boy #3 I would love to win something like this for the other two.
Sounds like a great toy for kids but bad for parents. I love headphones!
This looks like a perfect gift for my 4 year old.
Although, my only criteria, I only seem to get toys with no off button and no volume button. It makes for a more lively home experience. ;) I suppose I could make an exception, though.
This toy looks so cool! I can see the boys fighting over it - and that includes the biggest one (my husband).
me 4 year old son would think this is super cool!!!!
he wants me to add it to his x-mas i'm really hoping i win it (for FREE)!!!
good luck everyone (especially me :)
-erika j
I need to hear non-stop music like I need a hole in my head, but nonetheless,
enter me in this drawing, please.
My almost 4 year old son loves music! He has a cheap little keyboard the he has almost worn the buttons off of so I think that it would be a great christmas present this year. So put me in.
Sounds like a lot of fun! I've got two little nephews who would love something like that.
Thanks for the great Christmas gift idea for my five year old. I showed him the blog of your children playing with the Kidzjam and he said, "Can I have that?" My job as Mrs. Claus just got a little easier this year. Thanks!
looks just like the type of thing that would cause my kids to get all wwe and wrestle over. :) Its great that the v-tech people made it with a headset tho, great idea they obviously have children.
What a great toy for kids! Please consider me for this giveaway! I teach violin and my kids are VERY musically much so that at times I have to beg them to just NOT sing for a few minutes! Great Christmas gift idea!
My boys would so love this! I would love the headphones component. My youngest insists he is going to be a star when he grows up and write songs better than Miley Cyrus. This might give him a
wow...very cool! my niece and nephew would love it. great idea for christmas!
This looks awesome my kids would love it.
Kidijamz looks awesome!!!! Do you only have one to give away? I think that would be an awesome gift to send to "Team Larson"
I'd love to get one of these for my son. He would totally enjoy driving me crazy making all kinds of noise.
Dawn- Your blogs are a daily dose of therapy for me. I am a 51 year old grandmother who gave up herwonderful sane job to stay home and keep her now 2 four year old boys, 2 year old boy and 4 month old little girl while their parents work. I love it, I love how you make me laugh and I would love a KidiJamz for my little creatures.
Nova Scotia Canada
this is such a cool thing!! I am sure it would entertain the kids for many moons!!!
Way cool! I think this just might be the thing to get my son away from his Nintendo DS addiction! (we have to limit him to only 2 days a week so he is not sucked into Nintendo world)
Oh wow. This is cool. My daughter would so love this. I can't believe christmas is so close. It really creeps up.
My kid would love this. Would be great to win.
My kids would love this. It looks like a pretty amazing toy.
Pretty awesome music set! Best part is the headphones!
oh please this would be "totally awesome" for my oldest...he's at that hard to please age,
plus he has 3 younger brothers to hand this down too...i love toys that can last...sue daisy
My 2-1/2 year old son would totally LOVE this!! He is very musical and even sings along with my cell phone when it rings! Last night, he must have sung the "ABC" song 50 times! LOVE IT!
My 2 have been pounding on anything they can to "make music"... maybe this will help. Thanks for the chance to win.
I would so enjoy the constant noise from it on a daily basis. But at least its not screaming and my kids might be learning something from it!
Thanks Dawn!
My little ones would love this! My youngest is singing in the tub as I am typing this.
How clever! Why didn't they have these things when we were kids? Could it be because there was no electricity! I KID !!! My granddaughter would LOVE one!!!! I want to win please please please (in my most whining voice)
My kids would love this but I think if I win I will send it to my 3 nieces- they are younger and my sister loved to send noisy presents to my kids. Paybacks are a beautiful thing.
Steff w
I love some hot jamZ and so would be kiddo!
That looks great! I love the headphones part the best! -Mainiac
Ha what a really neat toy to get to send over to my friends house for her 2 kids!!! I am trying to find the most annoying gift I can find o send home to her this year, I received mini drums last year and my daughter LOVED them, now it's payback time.
Cool--my 4 year old is getting into music and singing more and this would be a great gift for him.
What a cool toy! I'd love to win one for my kids!
My daughters would love love love this! Thanks for the opportunity to win one!
~Valerie P.
My son would love this! He loves to sing and dance.
I have to admit I like to play with some of my kids toys and this does look fun! I have a learned to block out the noise too!
Nichole Avila
My oldest turn 6 next week. Pick me!
That looks like SUCH a cool toy!!! My nephew would get a complete kick out of it and it's TOTALLY something that my brother wouldn't get for him. It's definitely a COOL toy!
Very cool item, I'd love one for the little guy this Christmas!
I can so visualize that under our Christmas tree!
I wish all games came with headphones. Or maybe I should just invest in earplugs. Any repetitive noise or banging drives me nuts. I try to send the most annoying toys with the kids when the visit my in-laws. Hmmm.
I had not seen this before, but it looks like a lot of fun if you keep it in their room ha ha!
Seriously, I will be checking it out...looks like something that would be on the educational side like most of V-techs products!
I lvoe that it has ear phones. LOL. that I could handle. It is my hubby that hates the sound. me I just remove the hearing aids. *smirk* I am the lucky one.
The boys were Rock stars for halloween this year.... they would LOVE this for Christmas!
Oh my goodness! My daughter will love this toy. It is officially on her Christmas list.
I would love to have this for my kids who love music. Thanks for the opportunity
We would love that in this house! Kids and adults...
Oh my! My son would LOVE this!!
I love that you can put in headphones! What a great idea!
This would be perfect for my 3-year-old, who has non-verbal autism but LOVES music.
I would love to win this for my son - thanks!
My boys would love this! If I win, say herbandolive did. Thanks!
that has to be the coolest thingout this year! I would LOVE to hear what my kids would create with it!
My son is 12 and has special needs. He would love this.
My son would love this! The headphones to shut out the sound sound the best to me.
I have 6 boys that would love this and would probably want to drive me crazy with the noise. LOVE it!!
That looks very cool! I'm sure it would drive my husband up a wall... not that I would ever buy anything for the boys to intentionally make my husband batty.
My 4 1/2 year old would love this!!!!!
My son would love that! He's always composing music and his little sister's barbie piano, much to her dismay.
Vtech! Wow-These are some of the BEST toys on the market. I really need this for my budding musician/singer/song writer. Santa sure would like to put it in his bag to deliver to our home!!!
Best part kids will love this!
My kids would love this although my husband might not be as thrilled.
This looks great for my two budding musicians and even better is that it comes with the earphones so I don't have to listen to endless practicing.
My boys could use this to compose accompaniments to my 5 yr olds original song creations... such as "We're going to grandma's house, yea, yea, going to grandma's house, yea, yea" (Repeat ad infinitum!)
how neat is this, much more than a toy, it encourages kids to use their musical creativeness to make new jamz... my daughter would love this, both of my brothers are very musical!
micaela6955 at msn dot com
This looks like so much fun! My nephew would have fun on this. :)
Wow! I feel lucky, and that looks really cool! I have triplet girls who would love to fight over that!
This looks awesome!
ok, i am a sucker for give aways! and my kids LOVE music! so even if i don't win, i will have to look into finding one! thanks for the opportunity dawn!
I have two boys who would love to torment me KidiJamz!
Oh I'd love to win this for my 4 kiddos!! Great giveaway!
ooo, that is COOL!! I love Vtech stuff! my brother and sister(4&5 years old) would love it!
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