Isn't this picture great? I took this picture of Savannah and Lexi a few years ago at my sister's wedding. I've always liked it and have thought of getting it blown up and framed. Of course, like most of my picture and decorating plans, it's been on the back burner for years.
When someone from PhotoFiddle contacted me and asked me to try out their site, I took a look at it. Now you have to sign up before you can check out all the features. I know, I know, it's a pain to sign up, but you'll be glad you did. You can take an ordinary photo and PhotoFiddle will change it into an oil painting or a charcoal sketch or a watercolor painting or any of dozens of other possibilities. You can play around on the site and see what your picture would look like as a black and white print or an impasto painting. When you've chosen your favorite, PhotoFiddle will print it on canvas and it'll look just like a beautiful piece of art!
I chose to have to above photo made into an impasto oil painting on stretched canvas.
a close-up view
a little farther away
from across the room
In addition to all the creative ways you can change your photo, the Photofiddle.com art team can adjust colors, remove objects, restore photos and more. This is a terrific Christmas idea for those hard-to-buy-for people on your list. You can give grandma and grandpa a family portrait in "oil" or a "watercolor" of the grandkids. And right now, PhotoFiddle is offering my readers a 15% discount on orders! Just enter the code mom15 on the shopping cart page in the promotion code box and click apply.
*****Edited to add: Leave me a comment here for a chance to win a $50 PhotoFiddle.com gift certificate! I'll choose a random winner on Friday, November 21.*****
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 218 Newer› Newest»How awesome! That's really neat how they can do that. I'd love to win the gift certificate.
Wow that is an amazing gift. I know my parents would love that for Christmas. Thanks for letting us know about the site. Cross my fingers I win, I can get one for me too :). Thanks again, Alexis
Pretty dang cool! I bet you can do a lot of cool things with favorite pictures. :)
I am now addicted to your give aways!
That is really neat that they can do that!! That is a beautiful pic of the girls by the way!!!
I hope I win this one.
Your girls are all really cute.
I have a bunch of grandparents that this would be awesome for!
That's awesome. I'd love to win; I have hundreds of wedding photos to go through!
that's cool, I love that they will put it on actual canvase. It's a great idea for my mother in law.
Fun stuff!!! Thanks!
I am headed to their site right now! What a great X-Mas idea!
Oh, I want one! That is so cool. I love the picture of your girls, it's sweet.
I've always wanted sketches of my children when they were little. I'm going to check it out!
I love looking at pictures. It's always fun to look back and see how much things have changed. My kids have grown up so much....and SOOOO FAST! This would be a fun gift and a great thing to win.
Penny S. (CA)
Oh! Me, me! Please.
All of our family photos are in a box in my craft room. I would love to be able to actually do something with one of them.
This would be a great Christmas gift for the grandparents.
How neat! That would be a great gift for DH's grandparents. They're so hard to shop for.
That sounds like a great Christmas gift! Lexi looks so much like Brooklyn in that picture!
Wow! I do this kind of stuff all the time on Photoshop Elements, but it takes a long time. To have someone else do it for me, would be great!
And the girls look adorable!
That is so cool! And I love that picture of the girls!
That is a beautiful picture of the girls!
Sounds like a great site...off to check it out now!
Cool! I'd love that!
Michelle, Appleton, WI
Oh, how many projects I could complete on this website! I've seen this kind of thing in catalogs, but never like this. Excellent addition to my Favorites. Thanks!
Cool, I have some pictures that I'd like made into paintings!
Please enter me!
With 3 little ones here there are plenty of photos to fiddle with! Going to check out this site now...
that is such a neat idea, would make a great christmas present for grandparents!
me me me me me me me!!! wait.....please???
wow, that's really neat!
Wonderful! The technology is fabulous. Hope I win!
OMG - I thought Lexi was Brooklyn! Your kids all look alike and you can't deny any of them because they look like you!! ;)
I'd love to win the gift certificate! Thank you!!!
Donna in PA :)
I would love to win the gift certificate. My Mil loves photos and this would be great to give her for Christmas.
That would be so awesome! I have a ton of pics I keep meaning to get around to... this would surely give me a kick in the butt!
Amy E.
What a great idea!
Sounds great! I'll check it out for sure!
How fun!
That is awesome! I personally am a huge fan of Black & White. I have a few I have taken of my kids over the years in a row on my wall. I love pic's! I think, I should have been a photographer! Would love the gift ceritficate. Thanks!
That looks interesting!! Kara
Great picture!
That picture looks great! Pick me!
Fun! Thanks.
That is such a great idea for a Christmas gift!! This is awesome. Thanks for the opportunity to win a gift card!
Amanda R.
What a cool service! I love it.
I'll have to check out the site!!!
Wow that looks really good. And Lexi and Brooklyn look a lot alike.
That is a really neat idea for a gift. I mean, what else would you give to those really hard to buy for grandparents? I'd love to put that gift certificate to good use.
Oh cool! I would definitely be ab;e to use the gift certificate.
This would be a perfect idea for my impossible to shop for because they buy everything when they want it parents. A picture of their granddaughter all gussied up.
Great gift! I'd love to win it. I've got the perfect picture :)
Oh I AM SO doing that for my mom this year for Christmas (and maybe for my MIL, too). I have some really neat pics of the wee ones, but we just got back from Seattle and guess who was the only one who didn't have a present found for her? Yep, that would be my poor mom. LOVE it.
What a beautiful picture of beautiful girls. :) I'd love to win this gift certificate so I could give my Mom a picture of my 4 kiddos. She's always wanting more. :) Thanks!
Wow, that is a great picture!
This site sounds amazing and would be great for Christmas gifts.
Ruthie B.
Love the picture. I would love to try it out with my own kiddos.
That is really cool. Count me in.
loving the photo :)
Sounds like a fun thing to try out!
Thanks for the tip!
What a great Christmas idea. There's a lot that can be done that's for sure!
Great Christmas ideas! I'd love to win that certificate!!
Carol V.
I would love to have a beautiful piece of art like that! I love the view of your picture from across the room.
My mom loves to fiddle with her photos as well. What you did with that picture of the girls was just gorgeous. Once again, great giveaway.
I would love, love, love this as I have the perfect picture that was going to be a Christmas present anyway...this would make it even better!
Shelley P
Thanks for this amazing offer. Let's see if I get lucky this time :)
How cool! I can think of the perfect picture of my parents and kids to do this with if I was to win!
Wow!! I love pictures and love to give them as gifts so
this is just in time for Christmas! Count me in!
What a gorgeous picture of the girls! Sounds fun
I'm sure that because of this post you helped a lot of people and their Christmas shopping!
I know I'd love to have one.
~Jennifer F.
Wow! How neat. I'm going to check out the site right now, as visions of Christmas gifts dance in my head.
Please pick me. A new grandma has lots of pictures.
Looks like a fun website. I'd love to win.
Yippee for art!!!!
That is a Beautiful picture! I would love to win this one and since my mom is in Texas (and in in SC) she has only met my two youngest kids (14 months apart) 2 times. I know she would love to have something like this...and most places will ship directly to her and save me shipping ;-)
J Hooper In SC
That is so cool! I could really use a gc for that!
Sounds like fun! I'd love to give it a try! :)
the ability to remove objects sounds great-- so often I take a decent picture that has something that I want to crop out but can't because it's in the middle somewhere.
thanks, Dawn!!
I would love the certificate. I have over 1000 pictures to print from my baby's birth 2 years ago.
I will for sure go check it out. But just in case I love it I wanted to sign up to win the gift card!
vicki w. in GA
What a cool site.....and neat idea for Christmas! I'll have to check it out...I have some old photos that would be great to have done for the grandparents!
What a great gift idea! Thanks for the info.
This would be wonderful for restoring my grandma's wedding photo! I would love to win! Thanks Dawn!
Lauren H.
oh enter me!!!!
Amazing! I think I'll head over to the site to see what else they have! These would make great Christmas gifts.
OMG- how cool is this!?!
now i know what to get my Me-Me and Nana!! perfect :)
I hope I win but good luck to everyone!
I need this!!! What a perfect 40th birthday prize for me.
This would be a great holiday gift for the inlaws!
That's a great gift for grandparents!
What a great web site, how cool TFS and testing it out!
That is awesome, and I must say, I love your choice of photo!
Oh, I have the perfect picture to use if I win. Thanks for the review and the give away!
Super cool idea.
That is so cool, especially the printing on canvas at the end.
Wow! Love it! Now to choose a photo . . . .
I love trying new photo software out! I love the picture and what you did to it! Your girls are beautiful!
Charlotte in Hawaii
How cool! looks like this would make a great gift for grandparents!
Wow, that's amazing! I think I just crossed off a couple of people from my x-mas shopping list!
Wow! What a great giveaway.I have a ton of pictures i would love to something special to.Hope i win!
oh what a fantastic giveaway! i'd love to win!
I would love to selflessly say that if I win the certificate, I'd use it to get a gift for a relative at Christmas. But realistically, I'd probably keep whatever I order for myself (and think about ordering others for relatives later on!). My kids are growing up so fast and it would be so nice to have a beautiful picture/painting to remember the "earlier" days. :) Thanks for the opportunity!!!
that's really cool. I am on my way to check out the site now...and think about all the cool things I could do if I weren't disgustingly broke :)
Oh, I'm always looking for new ideas for the in-laws...this would be great !
Oooh, oh, (raising hand), I know exactly the picture I would use to on PhotoFiddle! I hope I win!
FABULOUS! and the girls look quite cute! Great idea for a Grandparents' gift or two.
That is a really cool idea for gifts !
Would LOVE to use this gift certificate to give a portrait gift to my mom - perhaps using a picture of my dad (who died 21 years ago) or a picture of her 3 daughters today...
Very cool! Who doesn't love fiddling with their photos?!?!?
What a cool idea! The picture you chose is beautiful and looks great as a painting! I'd love to do that with a picture of my kids. Off to check out their website....
Would love to win!
What a great site!
This is awesome! Would love to win the gift card to use for a Christmas gift for my husband!
Looks like a really cool way to give "photos" as gifts.
Cool. Pick me! :)
I am going to check out the website, it looks like a great gift!
what a great idea! And great gifts too!
Wow, do you think this would stop my mom from nagging for a picture of her grandkids so often?!!!
Hope I win!
What a beautiful picture!
Me please!! (and thank you)
I love fiddling with my photos...will have to check this site out. It'd be better if I had that gift certificate!
Thanks for the opportunity, Dawn. I'd love to have a PhotoFiddle of my first grandbaby, due in 3 weeks! Keeping my fingers crossed. :-)
I would love to do this for my 3 boys, it would be a great Christmas gift for me:)
You are picking the winner on my birthday, does that mean I have an edge on the competition? Great idea for your photos!
Awesome ~ thank you for the opportunity to win!
Wow, what a great idea! I just realized the other day that I don't have any picture or portraits of my 13 month old son anywhere in our house! All our pictures are digital or stuffed in a drawer someplace. We need to get some nice portraits of him up! This looks like just the thing.
I love playing with my pictures,changing them up. This would be cool to use for christmas!
so fun! thanks! I can't wait to check it out!
Awesome! Thanks!!
That's really awesome! I've been trying to decide on some Christmas gifts. . .this would be perfect!
That is so COOL!
I a gonna have to look at that for my momma. how neat. thank you for finding such neat things. ;)
I know some grandparents who would be drooling over a gift like this.
I was wanting to do something like this and thought I would have to photoshop or something! Wow, I hope I win!
Just in time for Christmas....
Wow, what a great gift idea instead of a picture in a frame.
I'd love to give photo fiddle a try! Pick me, pick me, pick me!
Wow that is awesome!!! I got married last summer and have a number of pictures that I have neglected to get printed!
That's such a beautiful picture of the girls. Looks hand painted. Thanks for this giveaway, Dawn. I've already got a picture in mind that I'd want to fiddle with.
Now this is cool! What a fun way to edit photos easily. I can't wait to try it out, and I'd love the gift certificate. :)
I was just talking to someone about painting a picture of my girls for the grandparents for Christmas. I would love the gift certificate.
I love your giveaways, they are always so useful! Thanks!
~Valerie P~
that is so cool now i can have all the pics i have been taking and really wanted more done with, finally taken care of. my free time when i get it is spent taking pictures. i have some great ones of my kids and more of really cool scenery(sunrises). my fmaily would all love to get pictures of the 4 kids. thanks for sharing this cool site.
i've always wanted to give my parents a painting of their farm. this could make that possible.
Fiddle me into this contest! :)
Very cool!! Beautiful picture of your girls!
i am crazy about editing pictures. I would LOVE to have a canvas print of my little monster:)
Molly M.
Very cool! I'd love to win!
How cool! I love to snap pictures too and can now recognize all family members by the backs of their heads or the hand in front of their faces!
I would LOVE to win this!! I never win anything....except some left-over potato salad after my dad's company picnic when I was 12.
Does that count?
I have a wonderful picture that would make a great print. Thanks for the chance!
I love to take pictures! This would be an excellent gift for family & friends! Thanks Dawn!
What a beautiful picture of your girls, Dawn. Don't you wish they could ALWAYS look that sweet and innocent? LOL
What an awesome gift...hope I win. =)
that is super cool! I will probably sign up just to play. unless of course I win. :)
Please pick me, I need this!! Every single picture I have of my three kids is digital that I have never done anything with! Thanks!!!!
What a fantastic idea for those hard to buy for grandparents! I would love to win! :)
that is pretty cool. i love seeing pictures of your girls when they were younger, since i've only seen the the last year. so sweet.
I love the idea of a picture on canvas for my living room wall! I'll definitely check out the site.
so beautiful! i'd love to win that to give it as a gift to my parents... ok maybe even my inlaws.
I would love to win this $50 gift certificate.
I take pictures all the time.
WOW, the picture of your girls turned out great. If I am lucky enough to win, I know just the one to use of my two guys.
Thanks for the review. I had never heard of the company before.
Cool! What a neat idea!!
How incredibly neat. This year I asked my sister to do such a thing by hand (she's very talented), but I'm not sure she'll get to it. Maybe I'll just point her to the website and she can pretend she did all the work. :-)
This looks awesome... I am a sucker for art that has my kids pics involved!
We just took pics for our Christmas cards and I have the PERFECT pic that would look great on canvas.
Please please please pick me! I am a phot hog and have a 16 year old bonus child that I have recently taken some awesome pictures of and would love to have some extras done to them!
I'm always looking for ways to display photos creatively. Unfortunately, I don't have a creative bone in my body, so I need all the help I can get! Enter me into the contest!
Oh my I have the perfect picture of my girls that I would LOVE to do that with. Oh and what I great gift idea for the up coming holidays. I know a certain Grandma who would love a oil painting of my girls! I hope I win!!!!
Photofiddle sounds really cool! Count me in the "drawing"!
This is pretty cool. Thanks for posting it and hosting a giveaway.
What a neat photo!!!
I'll have to check out their site.
What a beautiful picture of your girls! Thanks for the offer :)
Oh...fun stuff!
That would be an amazing gift for my mother in law who only wants pictures of her granddaughter and just a photo in a frame gets a little overused. Enter me, please! Thanks! Gretchen
Sign me up for this give-away. That would make a great gift!
Very cool. It would be great to save a memory of the kids when they were both smiling and looking at the camera...at the same time.
The portrait of your girls is beautiful. I would love to do a picture like that with mine!
Laurel M
That is great! Going to go check it out now.
Is it my turn to win?
Totally cool! And Friday is my birthday! Come on lucky random number generator! ;)
I have just the photo in mind to "fiddle" with.
PhotoFiddle is an awesome site. I love doing special effects with my photos in other software but having on on canvas would great. I would love to be the lucky winner!
Oh, what a beautiful picture!
Oh, I was so wanting to do this with a picture of my twins at mydavinci.com but it is too involved there. This is great.
I love that- a great gift for those "hard to buy" christmas presents- I'll be needing about ten,please!
Count me in the drawing!
Kathy V.
That is such a cool idea... now if you could only find the time to hang it up...
What an incredible site! So going to have to check it out. Would love to have the oil painting done of the last/one of the only pictures we have of my mom holding my daughter. Dad would love it.
Choose me!! I love fiddling!!
Sounds like a cool website.
That's so cool--I needed a site that could take out objects like an ugly background. Thank you for posting this.
That's awesome - I have tons and tons of pictures!!
Looks neat, might have to go fiddle with that later...
This is awesome. I have pictures of my kids all over the house. I love love love pictures!
ok, I'm curious enough to try it. Heck I might even try it without being a winner.
Wow..that is so cool!
I'd love to get my sons done.
Man! I would love to have this for one of my son's pictures! Thanks!
Would make an amazing Christmas gift. And I love your picture.
Daphne H.
I would love to win this. My grandmother is getting up there in age, and what a great gift this would be for her to have an oil painting done of her great grandchildren. Please enter me-
I have used photofiddle before and love the site. Thanks for the promotion code.
Precious! I love it. I just did something similar for a friend who was just married - and it is truly a one of a kind gift.
Oh. Mah. Gosh. That is the coolest thing I have ever seen! I would love the opportunity to get this done!
Thanks Dawn for introducing us to new and exciting things like this! I would love the opportunity to win the gift certificate! Kelly O.
I absolutely LOVE this painting! I would love to have one done of my two girls. Super, super cute!
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