Come on, say it with me, "Poingo!" "Poingo, poingo, poingo!" It rhymes with Oingo Boingo. Remember them? Oh great, now I'm going to have the song Weird Science in my head all evening. And I'm way off track here. Back to Poingo.
I was asked if I'd be interested in trying out Poingo. I have to be honest. I had no clue what Poingo was; I'd never heard of it. Now I know. It's "the next generation of interactive books". It's not unlike the Tag system from Leapfrog. You use the pen-like instrument and simply touch the pages of the books. Kids can make the pages come alive with words, sounds and songs just by touching the pages.
This thing is cool! It's so small! Not small like "your kids could stick it up their noses" small, but small like a chunky pen. You don't need any clunky computer notebooks to use this system. All you do is turn on Poingo and touch the pages of your favorite book. Ta da! By touching the different words and pictures on the pages, kids discover fun surprises. I, I mean my kids, had a great time playing with the Finding Nemo book. You can not only read the book with Poingo, but you can play games. It'll ask you questions like, "Touch the animal who has stripes." It's a fun interactive toy! You can see a demo HERE!
Because this is similar to the Tag system, I wanted to compare the two. There are advantages to both. Now, I've tried Poingo and know it works well. I haven't tried Tag so I can't speak with authority that it works as well. Tag has a wider variety of books and activity cards available so you might get more use out of it, although Poingo does have more titles coming out in the future. The Poingo starter set (Poingo and both Cars & Finding Nemo books) retails for $34.99, whereas the Tag reading system includes Tag and one book and retails for $49.99.
Poingo comes with 6 books in its memory. If you purchase additional books which are preloaded in its memory, you can just go ahead and play. If you purchase books that aren't loaded in Poingo's memory, simply go to their website and download the content to Poingo with the included USB cable.
I think this is going to be one of Lexi's favorite new toys. Lexi is my 7 year old daughter and she struggles with reading. Because she has a hard time, she often complains when she has to read and, although she's getting better about it, she doesn't like reading too much. I think this will give her some extra reading time, but it'll be disguised as fun. What's better than learning through playing and having fun?
And for you, my awesome readers, I'm giving away one starter set (Poingo, Finding Nemo book & Cars book). What an awesome Christmas present! Just leave me a comment here and I'll pick a random winner on Monday, December 8th.
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 270 Newer› Newest»My nephews would love that! I hope I win!
My son would love that! "Mee-no" (Nemo) is his favorite.
Oooh, that would be a great gift for my 6 year old who's just starting to read. We had a leapfrog system awhile ago, but it was so bulky the kids never used it.
Thanks for the info Dawn!
I would love to win a Poingo for my little guy. He's just starting to read and I think he would really enjoy this!!
Thanks for the great giveaway!!
Oh my how cool!! My daughter would love this.
I've never heard of this either, but it looks like a great toy.
How fun, my son would love this!!
My son would absolutely love that! That's cool! :)
Denise W.
We would love this!! Thanks for the info, too!
My kids would so enjoy that...and it would be much easier on travel rather than carrying the Leappads and books.
I've never heard of Poingo. However, I've been contemplating getting my girls the Leap Frog version. I'd love to win this one instead!
Awesome!! I love to read and I hope to pass that not only on to my kids, but my nieces and nephews as well! It would make a GREAT Christmas gift!
That's a cool gadget. I bet my neice would have a little fun with it!
My son would love this for Christmas!
Sounds like great fun!
My daughter would LOVE that! She LOVES books!
My kids would love that!
My girls would love that!
And the Oingo Boingo song that popped immediately into my head was "Dead Man's Party". I <3 Oingo Boing! Went to their final Halloween concert before they broke up a few years ago. It was fantastic! Except for all the pot heads smoking near us - phew that stank!
My daughter loves books *and* all things transportation-related - perfect! This sounds nifty.
I would love one, I was wanting to get one for my preschooler. But the price of the leapfrog was a little to much for my budget this year! Thanks Dawn :)
Oh I want to try this!! My son is just starting to read!
This would be a great gift to give a child! I'd love to have it!
I have grandchildren that would love that one.
My 3 1/2 yr. old son would love this since Nemo and Cars are his all time fave!
Thanks for the offer
My kiddos would love that!
That is so cool! I just order the TAG system for my daughter for Christmas, if I got this I will return it and save some money!
This would be a fun gift for my 6 year old niece!
would love to win this. thanks.
This would be great for my son who is 4 and has vision issues.
My daughters would love this. And Nemo and Cars you can't go wrong woth that.
My daughter would love this! She loves books but can't read yet
Thank you so much for the review, I saw an ad for it on TV and was wondering about that vs the Tag too.
I hadn't heard of this- thanks for sharing. And also- thanks for the constant contests! It makes the day fun wondering if I've won.
I bet my 4yr old would love that. Thanks for the give-a-way.
jennyheyman@hotmail dot com
Oh what fun...and I personally loved the Weird Science movie. Now I have that song stuck in my head, I guess it beats anything by the Wiggles! Thanks!
How exciting! The stuff "they" come up with, huh? Remember when we read books ourselves? :)
Poingo, poingo, poingo!
What an awesome giveaway. I've seen these advertised and would love for my children to be able to give them a try.
Thank you: I will be going through my whole day with 'Weird Science' in my head!
Count me in for the drawing!
that looks like an awesome product!
Cool! I also have a 7 yo who struggles to read. I think this would be a great tool for him (especially since he's a sight reader and just doesn't get the whole phonics thing).
Kelly Q.
What a great gift this would make for my "I-can't-wait-to-go-up! I-want-to-know-how-to-read-everything-NOW." 4 year old son.
I've seen this and been intrigued. I'd love to win!
This would be great for our six!!! Thanks for the opportunity!!
This would be awesome for my daughter...she's 4 and loves to do stuff like this!
My daughter would love this. I love that it is small and self contained. It's great practice like Leapfrog but you don't have to haul all the books and cartridges around.
This would be a perfect gift for my little brother!!
I would love to give that to my little cousin. He would love it! Nemo is like his favorite character in the whole world!
My son would love this! Thanks!
This would be great for my two little ones.
I have never heard of this product but my youngest is a huge Cars fan and would love to be able to "read" the story himself!
I can't wait to hear my 2 year old say the name of this toy! It sounds like an awesome toy! Hope I'm randomly picked!!!!!
My kids would love this! :)
I would love to win Poingo. It would be great for my little grandson!!
Thanks Dawn.
I'm an elementary teacher and I would LOVE to have this as a help for struggling readers!
I would love to try this with my daughter (age 6 1/2).. she has dyslexia and has a very hard time with reading (she was held back this year because of reading issues). I would love to see if this could help get her excited about reading again. She has gotten to the place where reading is a chore and not that much fun anymore (she get frustrated because of the dyslexia)... maybe something like this could bring the joy of reading back to her?
Hopefully the random number generator will pick me!! Thanks for entering me!
tjaksv (at) yahoo (dot) com
This looks cool! Thanks, Dawn!
LOVE it!!!
Donna in PA :)
Sounds cool! I checked out Tag at the store and wasn't too impressed. It seemed so sensitive...like you really had to be on a certain spot with the word.
My four year old would love this though!
My nephew would abosolutely love this!! :-D
What a neat toy! I've been reading your blog for over a year now and never felt "cool" enough to leave a comment. Well, now that you're giving away free stuff I felt it was time to introduce myself to you!
Very fun! I'll test my luck here...
Kristie M.
Very cool. I was considering this for my son who will be 6 on Dec. 12th. He loves to read.
This sounds like a lot of fun for kids!
Yeah all I'm sitting here doing now is going Poigo. Poingo. Poingo poingo poingo. Poingo.
It sounds like a way cool toy, and I love the educational and fun aspect at the same time. My favorite kind! Thanks, Dawn.
Wow - what a great idea! Thanks for the giveaway -- count me in!
Oooh, oooh, oooh, me, oooh, ooh - my hand is raised...(Horseshack)...yea...pick me anyway!
That looks cool! I'm sure my almost 7 year old would love it!
This sounds very cool! Our littles would LOVE to have one. Thanks Dawn.
My son would have a blast! Great Christmas present idea
I so need to win this for my nephews my one nephew is 4 and loves for me to read he would love this and read all day please pick meeeee.we had leapfrog but was to big this would work soo good.
cece ny
That would be awesome for my 5 yr old that so desperately wants to learn how to read! Thanks for the opportunity! ;)
Sounds cool. My son would have a great time with it.
Too bad they don't make these with titles for adults.... I don't ever seem to get a chance to sit and read, maybe if it was reading to me.. This is a cool toy, and I would definitely find some worthy child to gift it to
anything to get the kids reading, right? write? ahem. I'd like to enter!
I've been looking at the Tag system for my son and have never heard of this one! Glad to know there's similar products out there for a little less. Thanks for another great giveaway!
That would make a great Christmas gift. My only problem would be having my 3 kids share it!! Once again thanks for a great give away and product review.
My daughter would love this! Thanks!
Oh my goodness! My daughter would LOVE that!
I would love to have this for my special needs son. He is behind in his speech development, and this would be a wonderful tool for him to help learn proper pronounciation. And it's a bonus that he LOVES Nemo and "yitenin Creen" (lightning McQueen for those of you who do not speak toddler)
Thanks for entering me Dawn!
My four year old would love to have this. She informed me today that she does not know how to read so she needs a "frog".
My son would love this... I hope I win.
melody806@ yahoo dot com
My daughter is just starting to identify some sight words. How cool would this be as an aid!
Thanks for the review and giveaway, Dawn!
my little nephew would LOVE this!!! Finding Nemo and Cars are his favorite!! perfect Christmas present. Thanks so much!!!
Amanda R.
I would love this for my brilliant nephew!
Poingo is more fun to say than Tag, so I want one for my kiddo! =)
WOW!!! my sons would LOVE this. Great giveaway!!
My son loves books and is just starting to read. I'm sure he would love this.
My son would love to have this...plus with a birthday & Christmas back to back, winning something would be awesome!
Oh! How fun! My kids would love this!
Yes, my daughter is learning to read and we have an early reader that is Finding Nemo... she was in shock when she found out that it wasn't Meemo. :) I love kids!!!
My girls would love this.
Great review. My son is just starting to learn how to read. This would be a great tool for him to use. And like you mentioned, they think it's fun but we know it's educational.
Now this is something I would love to win!!!
Oh yes, I remember Oingo boingo! LOL
Great give-away!!! :-)
This is really neat. We would love this at our house.
Wow! My son & daughter would love this!
I feel a win coming on...
My daughters would love that for Christmas, oh please pick me. Thanks for having such a neat Blogger site!!!
IIIIIIII love these!! I was just playing with one in my beloved Target the other day. I'd love to win...but would I HAVE to share it??
I'm in. Come on random number picker thing - PICK me!
My almost 5 year old is learning to read and she'd love this. Her birthday is coming up soon, I hope we win! :)
My son Wyatt would love it!
Oh my grandkids would think grandma was really cool if she got this!
Isn't technology awesome! What a great prize!
My little Sarah would love to be able to "read" just like her big sisters!
This would be awesome for my little guy. He loves to books but says he can't read them. This would make him happy.
Christine H. from Cortlandt Manor, NY
I know a very special little boy whose eyes would really light up for a gift like this!
Pick me Pick me I would love to have that for my grandkids. They LOVE to read.
oh my gosh my 4-year-old would love this, even if i don't win, I think he will be finding it under the tree!!!
Dawn, I love your give-aways! Count me in, please!
Oh my daughter LOVES to read, this would ve great for her!
That would be awesome for my 2yo who is very much in the "I do it myself" phase. We can't even read to him anymore.
My daughter would LOVE this. She's 3 and a half and absolutely LOVES books. Mommy would like this too, I'm thinking, since she could now really read to her little brother. They are so cute when they sit together and "read" books! The are both HUGE Cars fans as well.
Ooooo, how cool!! My daughter would have so much fun with this!
Any gift that promotes reading is a gift I want to give my boys.
what a great idea! my little one would love to 'read' on his own!
My daughter is still learning to read. She would love something that would make it fun.
My daughters would love this.
how funny...i just sold my leappad on ebay...was looking for the next thing...
thanks fo the heads up...
My kids would love one of these! I have never heard of it either, it sounds so interesting.
This might help my reluctant reader boy!
Oh, pick me, pick me! Ok, I have been watching Shrek way too much lately. But my kids would love this.
My 5 and 7 year old would also love this. I'm sure so would the 9 year old and 2 year old.
Wow- I've also never heard of this product....but it looks so cool :)
My little dude would think this is so cool.
Cool giveaway.
-Erika J.
My daughter LOVES to read and Nemo is her favorite! She would adore this! Thanks Dawn!
Lauren H.
My boys would sure get a kick out of this. It is amazing what they come up with these days. Fun giveaway!
My 4 year old would love this. She loves books.
What a neat gift!! :)
My youngest two children would love this!!!
My kids would love this!
another great give-away from Dawn. How do you get all of these AWESOME items to give away??
Thank you for this chance to win. I think either of my 2 granddaughters will love this. Now, which one to give it to if I win?
It's unbelievable what they come up with these days. None of these great toys were around when I was growing up.
My daughter would LOVE that!!
Since I've finally paid off the ER bill from my son putting a travel checker up his nose I especially like that it won't fit up his nose!
This would be great for my nephew!! I hope I win!! And I love your blog!!
We'd love to try it! I have a reluctant reader and a preschooler who has almost taught herself how to read. I think both would enjoy it. :)
My daughter is learning to read, so it would be perfect for her. She might have to fight her brother for the Cars book, though - he's obsessed with Cars.
I have a kindergartener and preschooler who would love a new "toy" to help them with learning to read. As mom, I would love anything that would help them learn to read!
My son would love this he loves to be read too and loves to try to read the stories back to me. This would be an excellent present.
My 2 girls would love this!
Oh Dawn we would love this at our house. I have one that struggles with reading too and it would be a great help!
Steph in ND
My kids would LOVE this, they are constantly throwing books at me asking me to read to them!!
My son would love it! PICK ME PICK ME PICK ME!!!!!!!!
Heather W.
My kids would love this :)
I am loving all of your reviews!! This is another one I had never heard of but my girls would love!
I would absolutely love to win this! We looked at the Tag system for my 4 year old who loves to read (or have us read to him, anyway) and think this would be a great thing for him!
My 4 year old would love this as Nemo and Cars are two of her favorite stories.
Hi Dawn,
My granddaughter would love this!!
How awesome! I wouild love it for my daughter to help her learn to read!
Fun! Hope to win!
These are so fun, I'd love to win one for our "adopted" family.
Teresa (CO)
My daughter is just starting to sound out words, so this would be perfect for her!
Jill W.
My children would love that. My son also struggles with reading and my daughter is just learning. Would make a great Christmas gift.
Daphne H.
This would be an awesome surprise for my granddaughter who loves to read. Glad to learn about Poingo, since I had never heard about it before.
what a great new thing...I have some clients (I'm a child welfare attorney) whose teachers have recommended similar systems for helping with reading...hope it helps Lexi
I've never heard of it before. Sounds really cool!
Oh my son, who LOVES to read, would LOVE that! And what perfect books for him, he loves both. Choose me! Choose me!
Kim H
My 7 yr old would LOVE that. He loves to read and I love to encourage him to read. Perfect! *fingers crossed*
Oingo Boingo! How exciting!
This would be an awesome surprise for my granddaughter who loves to read. Glad to learn about Poingo, since I had never heard about it before.
enter me!
Cool! My 6 year old has just started to read and would love this.
I have been wanting to get one of these for the four year old. and I know that the other kids in the house will use it too. all except the 12 year old. Boy oh boy that kid is SMART.
anyway I really hope I win this one for the kidoes for christmas.
My son is just starting to read and wants this! It would be great "toy" to help him along!! Thanks for the opportunity.
Oh My Joey would absolutley love that..
good luck to all
Oh this would be so cool for my son. We just got a leap pad for him to help him wiht his speech and comprehension, this would be a wonderful gift for him!
My 4 1/2 year old son would love this & it would sure help get him ready for school.
What great stuff people are coming up with for kids to help them learn in a fun way! Put my name in - I'd love to use this during storytime!
My daughter would love a Poingo! She is 4 and is just now learning to read. Thanks for the reviews, I had never heard of this either.
I love all your giveaways!
Perfect for our homeschool!!! Hope I win!
My daughter would absolutely love Poingo! She is 3 years old and so into "reading". Not only would it be a great learning tool for my daughter but the day of the drawing, December 8, is my birthday!
This would be an awesome gift for the kids! My 5 yr old daughter is having a hard time with the reading thing and this will be perfect!
I've seen the Tag system in stores but have not heard of Poingo before. I think they would both be great tools to promote reading. My daughter is just starting to get interested in reading and she would love that!!!
This would be great for my 5 or 7 year old. And if i don't win, I'll be searching the stores for it!!
We have been looking at this and the Tag from Santa... Thanks for the review and chance to win one!
Oh, oh, pick me, pick me....
Great little gadget, my son would love this
my dd would love it. julie_2929@hotmail.com
Oh me me me Pick ME! or my DD. Her Birthdya is Saturday and she, OR the number generator thingy, would love you if this was a belated Birthday gift
My son would love it, he's just learning to read and loves learning!
Michelle, Appleton, WI
I was totally going to buy the tag system, but of course I'd love to win this instead!
My almost 5 year old twins would love this. My son is just learning the beginning sounds of words- and I'm sure would love the independence to practice his reading without my help. I'm looking at the Poingo and tag for his birthday.
Oh, what a fun learning system. My children would love reading/playing with this toy.
Very cool! Count me in for a chance to win!
Very cool. I have several kids that could have fun with it.
This we awesome for my 2 year old.
Looks cool! The boys would love it.
Oh, pick me. Please pick me!!!
looks awesome. would make a great gift for my dd who is 7. :)
Poingo...interesting! Would love to try it! Thank you, Dawn!
My great nephew would love this!!
what a great tool to help my son with reading!
My son would love that! He's 3 1/2 and starting to recognize some small words.
My kids would love this! Hope we are the winners!!
Sounds like a great gift idea. Thank you!
I would love to be randomly picked!
This looks like a lot of fun.
Penny S. (CA)
So fun! I'd love to win.
I think my boys would love this!!
Nice- what a fun thing.
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