Do you guys know this program on PBS? This is one of Clay's and Brooklyn's favorite shows. When the music starts, they come running into the family room to watch. And you know what? I'm glad. Not only does this show not drive me bonkers like some of the stuff they like to watch, but I know it's teaching them something of value. (I mean, I learned half of what I know from watching shows like Sesame Street when I was a kid!) Really though, a study funded by the U.S. Department of Education found that WordWorld significantly strengthens early literacy skills in preschoolers, providing the building blocks essential for learning how to read.
WordWorld brings words to life in a unique way. For example, if the word is BARN, they show a picture of a barn made up of the letters B, A, R, & N.

Children learn to make the connection between words and the objects they represent.
This study demonstrated that children doubled their oral vocabulary skills of words featured in WordWorld, they tripled their ability to read specific words featured and built in WordWorld, and even children in disadvantaged households where English is a second language showed gains in phonemic awareness, as well as oral vocabulary and reading words featured in WordWorld.
All I know, is my kids like it and now Target carries Word World toys and DVDs! Last year, the kids got a set of Word World modeling dough with word molds. This stuff is cool because the dough is fruit scented and fun to squish into the molds - yellow, banana scented dough for the banana mold, purple, grape scented dough for the grapes mold, etc. The containers of dough and the molds fit in a plastic picnic basket for easy clean-up and storage.

I have a Word World Moon Sand set to give away to one winner. Leave me a comment here and I'll draw a random winner on Saturday, December 20.
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 268 Newer› Newest»My kids love the show, too!
Oh WOW. We love Word World in our house too! I've seen the products but haven't tried any yet. Thanks for the recommendations!
Hope I win, my kiddos love this show as well! :)
I've never seen this show so I'll check it out! But it sounds like fun =)
My children love this show, too! I will have to check out the toys at Target.
My four year old loves Word World! You're right...it doesn't drive a parent bonkers! I love how the pig sings the ABC song too.
We love Word World, as well as some of the other PBS shows! I even like Sid the Science Kid. (I know you don't. Sorry.) Last week, my daughter learned about exercise and good nutrition (as if we never talk about those things), and has been teaching all of us and her stuffed animals about what to eat. I also love it when she comes through the house singing, "I love my mom. My mom is cool." :-)
Thanks for the offer, Dawn. As always, your readers appreciate you.
Oh my God! My little brother just saw this in one of those toy books last week and said he wanted it so bad!
My little girls would enjoy the moon sand.
I have a four year old homeschooled kid. Word world and moon sand is Right up our alley.
Sounds fun, would love to win!
What a great idea. I will have to look at Target this weekend, but would love to win one for my grandson.
Looks cool. my daughter has been wanting to try that moon sand :)
I LOVE Word World!!!! Thanks
I love these! Taking a trip down the toy aisle at Target is always a must. Thanks! =)
great show!
My girls would have a blast with those!
My kids love Moon sand as well...they also love Word World! Fun, educational and messy, how can you go wrong with those three.
My kids love Word World!
That would be great! My daughter loves that show as well!
Lauren H.
We LOVE Word World here at my house. Sign me up! Thanks!
My daughter is just the right age for tus and she loves moon sand!
I babysit my friend's three children four days a week and I LOVE when they want to watch Word World. I think it's one of the most clever shows on TV. Once again I ask myself, WHY couldn't I have thought of that??? lol
I'd love to win the Moon Sand for them!
Donna in PA :)
I love both of these things. My 3 yr old loves the Word World, and what better way to teach your kids words?? and Letters??
My other two kids love Moon Sand. We are a very hands on family. Unfortunately, one of the things that got left in Maine when we moved was our Moon Sand :(
Thanks for the Awesome giveaway!
My 4 and 1 year old love this show as well.
oh am i the first one? anyhow, my shorty loves word world!! i'm sure she'd love the moon sand too....yet another great giveaway from you ;)
My kids love Word World. They go around singing the songs and building words.
My daughter will be 3 in March and is at the age that she could really benefit from Word World stuff! And she loves playdoh/moonsand type stuff! I need to check out those videos
My kids would love this! The show is pretty cool...
I think those toys are so cool. I have not seen the cartoon yet.
My son would love this!
My sons loves Word World! "It's time to build a word, let's build it. Let's build it now!"
My little one loves WordWorld. Somehow though, in my mind, I change it to Bill & Ted saying it. "Word World, Party Time, Excellent!" I'm weird...I know.
What a cool show! I'm a bit out of the loop, I guess we should get cable. ;) I do know some children that would love that!
We LOVE moon sand here!
I totally LOVE Word World! Same as your kids - my little guy will watch this show all day long if it were on! Hope I win - I've been wanting to get him some of the toys associated with the show.
You're awesome Dawn!
my kids love WW!!
I just wanted to comment that my 4-year-old got this for his b-day and loves it...so if you pick me, please pick someone else! and if you guys don't win your kids would love it under the tree!
My kids love Word World too, but it isn't on our local PBS anymore. We have the DVDs and watch them regularly, but I'm sad not to get new episodes.
Oh, goodness! My boy LOVES that show! And you are right, it doesn't drive me crazy either! :)
WordWorld is awesome! Sign me up!
my kids would love this .. mainly because i havent bought them any yet lol ... i was so glad you kept twittering and let us know about poor Jackson, i was worried once it got late you would stop and i wouldnt know what happened! it was crazy the way the school handled that!
My girls love this show, as well.
My daughter loves WordWorld - I love it when she loves shows that help her learn.
Both of my boys love Word World AND Moon Sand. They would probably think this was the best toy in the world! :)
My sons three favorite shows are. Word World, Super Why, and Sid the sience kid. ;)
Would love to be able to give him this....
Wow, what a cool show that is!! I love the idea of making the "items" into "words"
My little niece and nephew loves this show!!!! They would be soo excited if they could get this!!! I hope I win! Thanks so much!
Amanda R.
My son loves this show, too!
My kids love this show! I have not seen the toys, but will be running to Target this weekend! I know I know, the weekend before Christmas?!?!?!? I am one of those crazy ones that does this type of stuff!
I love that show too! its super cute
That is a super cute show. One of the few that doesn't drive me bonkers!
My kids love wordworld! Thanks for the giveaway!
My little girl loves Word World too. And I'm glad it's on PBS because we only get the very basic channels.
Moonsand is fun!
All of my kids love this show. Me too! I hope I win.
WOW!! I love this - have the site bookmarked now! This is perfect for my 4 and 5 yo, especially since we homeschool!
I hope I win:)
My son loves the show as well! :)
That looks like a great show I will have to find it for my daughter
Welcome to the place...where words come alive...Oh GREAT! Now I have that song in my head. :) Word World is big at our house and so is PBS' Word Girl. My 4yo walks through our house saying gigantic words like 'flabbergasted' and 'cumbersome'. Hilarious! Thanks for the drawing.
The show is really cool!
My Son loves the show and the toys! Pick me! :)
My 6 year old daughter LOVES that show. And I actually like it too. I love that everything is made out of words!
I love this show! Our kiddo is just starting to learn letters, so this is perfect!
I love Word World. I would let the kids watch it 24-7 if I could.
Moon Sand, however, is the Devil. I really like it, but SOMEONE bought some for my daughter, and I was finding Moon Sand in my food for a week.
So, if I win, I'll either keep it for myself, 'cause I'm pretty sure I can play with it without finding Moon Sand in everything.
Or, I'll send it to someone else's house as a gift - Cause I'm evil like that.
Woot! Love your blog and the show!
We LOVE Word World. What a great giveaway!
My kids would enjoy that!
Oooh Moon Sand is a huge hit over here and so is the show.
My niece loves this show. And moon sand is pretty nifty too. Merry Christmas! :)
My son loves the show!!!
I have never heard of this show, but thanks for telling me about it. I'm sure my 2YO daughter will LOVE it! And all 3 girls will love the moon sand. They have begged me for years to get them moon sand and I am just alllllllllll-most about to give in. This would be a painless way to do it..lol.
oooh, we love that show! we havent tried moonsand yet but my 4yo has been bugging me to try it:)
(in case I win: lexi_duckie@ yahoo .com)
My son adores that show more than any other, and I enjoy watching it too, so winning this would be a very happy day for him:)
My two kids love this show.
This sounds like a GREAT learning toy (and show)! I am trying to build up my "Grandma's Toy Box" and this would be a great addition! I'm going to check them out the next time I am at Target too--the magnetic toy sets look like great quiet church toys!
My youngest two children would love this!
My son loves World World! He'd love the Moon Sand!
We are fans of the show at our house and also BIG moon sand fans! It's so easy to clean up!
moon sand never heard of it.
My son loves this show!
Word World is a favorite at our house too! I love that the words make up the stuff. Oh, you know you said it better than I ever could. Thanks for the reiminder of such fun stuff.
WordWorld is a favorite at my house, too. Grandma and Grandpa got my son a WordWorld rescue truck from Target. It is a bit annoying after a while (Siren followed by "Let's build a word...!" then more siren). I would love to try the quieter moon sand!
Hi Dawn... ANOTHER great giveaway! You are the Best!
I havnt seen the show but have a five year old who would love it. Have to check it out now that I know its out there.
It looks cool. My girls would love it!
Laurel M
i going to have to check out the show. sounds like a good one for dd3. i know her and dd7 would love the sand.
I would love that for my kids!! cdenton_80(at)yahoo.com
my kids love the show! Thanks...
We are big Word World fans in this house...my kids learned to spell ROCKET and PIE and MOON and they were barely even two years old at the time. It's probably one of the most educational shows on TV for kids nowadays, along with Sesame Street. :) Thanks for the great giveaway opportunity.
Great stuff! My daughter would love it...and when she's done, it would be put to use in my classroom.
Jill (jbsillery@sbcglobal.net)
Luck shine on my grandson tonight. He would love this. I bought some Word world and Moon sand for his Christmas
Love it!
My son is absolutely obsessed with Word World. He loves, loves, loves that show :) He loves it as much as my daughter loves Super Why
My daughter would LOVE some Moon sand!!! Thanks for giving us a chance to win neat prizes!!!
Me Please!
We love this show here too. J would love this.
I didnt know they had word world products for sale! Wow my child would love this..Hope i win.
Thanks for another great giveaway, we love moon sand at our house - I mean my daughters love moon sand at our house!@!@!
Word World is also a favorite in our home. My boys would love to make a mess with this.
My daughter would love this!
Jill W.
My kids would love this!
Dawn mom of 5
love it!
My son ADORES this show. Let's hope we're the random winner this time :). Thanks for the info.
I've never seen this show--I'll have to buy the DVD. I'd love the sand for my son.
My 4 year old loves this show. It is a very cute show and I love their products although we do not own any.
I saw the toys at Target before i had seen the show.
my boys would love this!
My kids love Word World!! :) My daughter especially enjoys watching that show.
I am pregnant with my first child and I'm constantly amazed at the wonderful programs that exist to keep kids entertained AND educated!! Restores my faith in humanity...which I'm sure will be destroyed by my little bundle of joy ;^)
I'm now humming the tune to the show after reading your review - but you are right, my DD runs into the room, and dances every time they 'build..a..word'. Thanks for plugging a great show!
Word World is a fabulous show. The Manimal is just getting into it!
my son loves Word World! We have the soft toys that come apart into the different letters and then stick back together with magnets. He likes making different words out of F I S H ... I haven't seen the moon sand set, will have to go check it out! ('cause that's just what I need. moon sand in the carpet....)
Word World ROCKS! Both my kiddos love it... but we didn't know about the toys yet...
younger grandchild loves this program as well, and you're right. It's much more tolerable then others he has to watch.
Pick me pick me
I've never seen it - but my kids LOVE moon sand!! AND - um...I bet my hubby watches it with the 4 yr old! Love your blog Dawn!
~ Misty
would love moon sand, it's not cheap and hard to replicate...wish i knew what that secret ingredient was that keeps it moist!
i love word world...very clever..
kicks Science kid butt!
hey let's spell butt?
suzanne at bluedaisygraphics.com
This is a fun show. I have seen the stuff at Target.
I've never heard of it but I'll have to check it out - sounds wonderful!
My son was just diagnosed with a few delays. I've never heard of Word World but I will definitely look into it. I think he could really benefit from it.
"Welcome to the place...where words come and die!" This is how my 2 boys think the theme song goes. That said, this is one of their favorite shows. I like it cause of Duck's Southern accent! He "quacks" me up!
I've never seen this show, but it sounds really cute. What time does it show?
Looks very useful havnt heard of this one yet but I will definately be checking it out as my little one will be starting preschool soon hope i win sasha in bridge city
My three year old absolutely loves this show, and she is way into Moon Sand too. Double excitement! We have a few episodes on the TiVo at all times. Sadly, she knows this and asks for them by description! LOL! It's really helping her to identify words too.
Love it! These were the gifts we gave for birthdays this year! Thanks!
What a neat product. My two kids would love it!!
Thanks Dawn :)
my nephew lovesssss this show and he loves play doh but i dont it smells nasty would be good to have this please pick us..
colleen from ny
Oh my gosh my 3 year old would love this, she loves the show word world.
My grandkids love Word World also. And you sre right, it doesn't drive me bonkers, and to a Grammy that already walks around singing the theme songs from Sesame Street and Backyardigans that means a lot!
I love word world, perhaps a bit more than my children!
My daughter, who is almost 3 has been watching this show since she was about 18 months old. Love it!
~Colleen L
Our house, myself included love word world. So as I'm reading your blog, I'm sitting here singing the songs. "Let's build a word, we built it, we built it."
This is great - my daughter would love this!
My son also enjoys that show and has been asking for moon sand. What a great combo!
I will have to see if this is one that they watch at daycare. Anything educational is good in my book or um DVD player.
How neat, my neice would love that..
I've only seen the show a couple of times but I think the concept is great!
That sounds like a cool show. I should check it out for my 2yo. We've been working with him on language since he was deaf for about 6 months until he got tubes in his ears. Losing hearing at a year old really sets a kid back.
Hey! This is a new one for me! As a Gram of 8, this sounds like a great way to learn new words. I'll have to check it out. Please put my name in.
My kids love Word World. It helps them learn to spell.
My 3 year old really enjoys Word World as well... and since her one Moon Sand Kit got "left" in Florida when we moved, she would be thrilled to get more... I think mommy would be okay too!
If it's messy, I'm sure my kids would love it! (they do like word world too).
My son would love this set. What a great give-away!!!!
sounds awesome! thanks.
My 2 1/2 year old LOVES Word World (and Super Why). I'm also singing the song in my head right now. I'm glad he likes shows like this that help build his literacy.
Word World is one of our favorites as well! This would be awesome for my boys!
My girls love Word World!
My own kiddos are a bit old for this one, but the kiddos I baby sit for love it!!
My son would love that.
We watch Word World all the time! Next on our list is Super Readers!
My 2 1/2 year old loves WordWorld, and I love the educational shows on PBS. I haven't seen any of their merchandise, I'll have to check it out for Christmas presents. Thanks!!
That sounds like a great show. I'll have to keep my eyes out for it!
We love a good WordWorld episode! And winning this would be a perfect suprise birthday gift for my son.:)
Love Word World...love Moon Sand! Thanks for the chance!
This is great. My son, who is in Kindergarten, would love this.
My boys love this show. What a great giveaway.
My girls would love this! Pick me, pick me!
My son loves word world and moon sand! Hope I win!
My friend just told me about this show the other day and assured me I'd get to know it once my baby-on-the-way is here! Sounds so awesome! I got all my nieces and nephews to love books at an early age and want my little girl to love reading and books too!
I hadn't heard of that show - thanks for the heads-up!
This is awesome! My boys love Moon Sand, it's one of the few things they play with together WITHOUT fighting! My 2 yr old has just discovered word world as well, so I'm sure he'd find this doubly cool!
My kids would love this!!
This would be great for my 5 and 3 1/2 year olds!
My son would love this. Anything that makes a mess!
Great show! My 4 year old would love this.
All three of my little ones love this show! They would love the moon sand too!
looks like i can get the kids into a new show... becuase I think Yo Gabba Gabba is starting to burn itself out in our house!!! Pick me Pick Me! :)
Wow kids love this show.
My 3yo LOVES this show too. For his best friend's 4th birthday, we gave him a set of WW "Stained Glass" window clings, from Target. It was his fave.
WW rules. You might keep your eyes out for a new PBS show, Lomax & Friends. It's a musical one starting in 2009 and a friend of mine, from college, is the puppeteer for Lomax (he was also Snook, Leo in Between the Lions, and a host of other puppets and muppets). My kids think it's cool I know a Muppet. ;)
Noodle's been asking for Moon Sand for months! What a great give-away. (Of course, I'll probably regret saying that!!! LOL)
Oh my Daughter LOVES that show! I think its pretty neat too:-)
Iv seen the toys at Target the other night, they look like something I would buy.
Sand=cool Mom.
Cool, moon sand and learning words - what could be better?
My son is always envying these toys when we go to Target.
My daughter loves Word World! (I must admit I like it too). She has been begging me for Moon Sand. This would make me the happiest mom in the world to win that.
I love the sound of the smelly playdough ... and I love your blog ... thanks for the smile!
3 year old LOVES Word World! That song gets stuck in my head for hours! I hope we win!
Oh my daughter has been begging for Moon Sand! But we have already gotten what we can afford this Christmas! Thanks for the chances on the giveaways!
My little guy watches it, to a certain extent. He is only 21 months old. But he does love the music. Its a great show, and never knew they had any type of products from it. So thanks for the info!
Sounds fun! Count me in.
This would be so great for my 7 yr old who is needing a little more help in his reading! Thanks for a great giveaway!
My daughter LOVES this show!
Love your blog and if I should win the grandkids get it!
Thank you so much for sharing your skill with us....
My kids love Word World too! And they also have been asking for Moon Sand! What a great giveaway, I hope we get picked!
I've never seen this, but my son is 5yrs old and this would definately help A LOT with words/spelling/reading! There's only so much you can do with a worksheet, an unruly little boy, and stopping every 5 minutes to pray that God keeps you from breaking every little High School Musical pencil in the house!
Hope we win! Sure would be fun to play with my daughter!
Great give-away! My daughter would love it!
Count me in! I love all the give aways even though I never win...Thanks and keep up all the greatness
Word World is a great show. Hope we win!
Sounds cool.My daughter likes this show too.
just last night my son was out of the room and ran in when his mind numbing (to me) baby einstein video started the dog and cat and duck song...he came in and laughed and started quacking...this would be great for him to find something else that might be more exciting for me! :)
My Kindergartener loves that show and already reads and spells several words she would not otherwise know at her age. We've never tried Moon Sand but I know they'd love it!
My three-year-old loves WordWorld! I agree with you that it is a wonderful show and it doesn't drive me bonkers like some of the others. PBS has the best kids shows.
You always have the coolest giveaways! I want in!! :)
Thanks for updating this Grammy!
Margaret S. / Wyoming
P.S. Am trying to do this using my google/blogger ID if my password works / remembered it correctly. ha
I'm going to have to check out the local listings for Word World and Target for the educational toys.Thanks!
moon? not me!
My daughter also likes this show, but we rarely watch TV so she doesn't get to watch it very often. Thanks for the recommendations.
Word World rocks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Linda C.
We love World World in our house!
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