Monday, September 22, 2008

If Lost,Call Me!

Regular readers might remember a review I did on Safety Tats right HERE. Well, I've found an even better product! It's the brand new Quick Stick Write-On tattoos by Safety Tat!

Safety Tat has taken an ingenius idea and made it even better. I thought that the original Safety Tats stayed on really well, but these new waterproof, skin-safe "tattoos" have some serious sticking power! They can stay on for up to 2 weeks (or until you're ready to remove them.) They're like those tattoos bandages you can buy. Do you know what I'm talking about? Those clear tattoo bandages totally stay put on your body and so do these new Safety Tats.

These are great to just keep in your purse or diaper bag. There's no water required to apply these tattoos so you can slap them on your child when you're out and about. If you're like me and you remember that you didn't put a Safety Tat on your child until you're 2 hours into your zoo trip, these new Quick Stick tattoos are ideal.

And here's another cool feature (leave it to moms to come up with these fabulous ideas!) these new Quick Stick Write Ons can be personalized with the included pen. Now, instead of ordering the tattoos with your cell phone number preprinted on them, you get a pack of blank tattoos and you can write any phone number you want on them! You might write your cell phone number when you take the kids to the zoo and you might want to write both your number and your spouse's when you're on a family trip to Disney World. You might want to include a line about your daughter's peanut allergy on one tattoo or a line about your son's autism on another. If Grandma and Grandpa take the kids on a trip, they can write their cell phone number on the tattoos. I love that these are completely customizable! Oh and the pen marks don't smear, smudge or fade at all!

These new Quick Stick Write-On Safety Tats come in a pack of 18 along with a FREE waterproof Safety Tat pen. You can choose from the boy design, the girl design, or a combo pack. And from now until October 6th you can use redemption code 6PACK at checkout to receive 15% off your order! If you haven't been to their site in a while, you'll notice some big changes, like lots more designs and a new shopping site. Check it out!

And, Michele, inventor of SafetyTats, is giving away 10 FREE packs of SafetyTats to my readers! Each of these 10 packs comes with 6 quick stick write-on tattoos and a tattoo marking pen! Just leave me a comment on this post and I'll choose 10 random winners on Friday, September 26th!


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Anonymous said...

what a great item!
let me win please!

Sunnyworld said...

What a great idea! And kids would love it!

Anonymous said...


Amber I

Steph said...

Yay! I love the improved idea! How bad would it be for me to ask for some for my son's first birthday in lieu of toys? :)

Steph P.

Anonymous said...

These are such a great idea...I love that you can stick them on like a waterproof youngest is still struggling with learning our address and phone number, and forget about trying to remember my cell number...he is also easily distracted so I am always fearful of losing sight of him when we go to places with large crowds...and since he has a wicked bandaid fetish he would probably love it that I wanted to stick them on him! And my husband could benefit from these since he is the one that lost both our children in Macy's when I left him with them for less than 10 minutes...I guess we know where my youngest's attention issues come from!

Anonymous said...

Wow these are a great idea! I am a Special Education teacher who works with children on every part of the Autism spectrum as well as other students that have differing needs.
This would be great to pass out to the families that I work with.

Sarah F.

Anonymous said...

I'd love the girl ones. Of course, being a tightwad, I could just write my number on their little arms with a pen... but would that encourage them to draw on themselves? oh wait, they already do that whenever I'm not watching. hmmm...

Anonymous said...

What a great idea!!!

Valerie said...

Happy Birthday to Me! At what point in life did an "appropriate" birthday present become something to help you keep your children safe? Who knows when it happened, but the line is crossed and we'd love some Safety Tat's.

Steffers said...

I love those Tatoo bandaids! i have been meaning to order some of the pre-printed ones - but these are even better! Come on Random Number!!!

Aubrey said...

I'd love to try these. I have a little guy who ALWAYS runs off and his talking is still a little hard to understand. These would be great.

marineof2 said...

This is such a great idea! I love it!

Drama Queen said...

I have very "friendly" kids, so these would be great for the times they wander off to say hello to someone else!!!

Keren said...

Love this idea. And my kids love "tattoos!"

-Keren R.

Sarah said...

I love this idea! Count me in.

Anonymous said...

Wow, what an idea! I have to have these!

Anonymous said...

Ingenious! I’m always writing on my kids arm with a sharpie, this would be so much neater.
Laurie H.

lil t said...

Love these! I have a feeling I will be using a lot of them in the future, as my li'l one is SO independent!

Heather said...

This is a really great idea. My 3 tend to gang up on me, and 2 will distract me while the 3rd goes off.

Anonymous said...

What a great idea! I always use a sharpie, but these are way better.

Anonymous said...

I would love to have some of these, they are genius! I am definetly going to order some if I don't win!

Jill in MA said...

sign me up for your random give-away!

Vicki said...

I didn't leave my name with my post OH NO
So here it is again!!!!1

I love these things. They are soooooo coooooool! Pick me...pick me!!

Vicki W.

Anonymous said...

What a brilliant idea! And I have a toddler who does not yet know her phone number, and while she knows my name, the way she says it would make it incomprehensible to anyone who didn't know me already! Please put my name in the hat!

Anonymous said...

THese are awesome. We're going to DIsney in December and could realy use these!

Amanda said...

Pick me!!

opattie said...

I keep meaning to order some of these. But, I love the idea of being able to write the number on yourself!

Anonymous said...

Recently I lost sight of my 2 1/2 year old in a store and panicked. Luckily we found here within minutes hiding under a clothes rack, but this would have been great if someone else had found her first. Leave it to a Mom to come up with such a great idea.

Anonymous said...

Wow, this is a great idea! I love that you can customize each one. I definitely have to order these for our trip to Disney World in December.

Anonymous said...

How fun! I would love to try these out.

Anonymous said...

These are so cool!

Valerie Peace

Anonymous said...

these would be so handy!We are planning a trip soon and i would love to have these to stick on my son and nieces and nephews!

Unknown said...

So if it's one of your kids that drive you nuts, would it be inappropriate to write something along the lines of "Now YOU get to deal with him!"???

ya ya's mom said...

what a great idea! put me into the drawing!

Unknown said...

These are so cool!!!

StampingJoan said...

This is such a good idea! I think every Mom of little ones should have these! Me too!

Harmony said...

Such an amazing idea and the new blank ones you can write on are great! Love it!

Erin's Mom said...

These sound perfect for my upcoming trip with my 4 yr old.. Kristen K

Anonymous said...

I need these I always lose my son...We always find him, but you know... Anyway add me to list..
Dede S.

Anonymous said...

This is the best idea!! I love it!

Unknown said...

Wow! What a great idea! I hope I win!

thennelly said...

Great idea. Come on random number generator!

Anonymous said...

Those are awesome! My 2-year-old is constantly running around at warp speed and I am paranoid to take him ANYWHERE, so we spend a lot of time at home! I should get some of these!

Michelle said...

Going to Disney in December. Would be great to have!

Ashley said...

I have a 2 year old - that's probably explanation enough for why I'd like these. Thanks!

Nicole said...

These look pretty neat. I'd love to try them out!


Anonymous said...

I'd love to have these for my little guy on our Disney vacation. What a scary place that would be to get lost.

Anonymous said...

I love it, can't wait to tell other parents of special needs children! What a great product.

Anonymous said...

Oh what a Great idea!!
Adding these to my wish list!
These will be great when we go on family outings especially for my son with ADHD!

Terra said...

Oh WOW! Those are awesome. what a great product! :)

Mystii said...

Wow...what an awesome idea! My grandsons are 2 1/2 and 3 months - I can see something like this helping my daughter a lot! Where were ideas like that when my kids were little?! Thanks for sharing this Dawn :)

- Mystii

Rick said...

Nope, not interested in this one. If you're random generator should happen to generate my name then give my prize to the starving kids in Africa.

(With my luck I'll win the things.)

Anonymous said...

I would LOVE those!

Jessica said...

Oooo, I'd love some of these. My youngest has just decided he's too big for the stroller, so he wants to walk everywhere!

Tammy said...

Great idea! I so need these for my twins who think it is funny to run away in seperate directions.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I ordered the original tats but these look awesome--I'll have to try them out.

Anonymous said...

Great idea - thanks!

Anonymous said...

this is awesome.
Jennifer H

Anonymous said...

What a great idea! This would be perfect for my daughter. She is 5 and autistic. She is non verbal, so if she were lost she wouldn't be able to speak to anyone.

Even if I don't win, I'll buy worth it!

Anonymous said...

Great idea!

Anonymous said...

Oh no it's Friday! Am I too late?! Sign me up please.
Kama O.
aemelia_eq at hotmail dot com

Faith said...

Anything that helps to set a mommy's mind at ease is great! I love this product. Both of my kiddos are a handful to take out- right now we use a plush monkey backpack with a leash attached to keep tabs.

Faith L.

Jacob Hantla said...

My daughter is only 4 months old, but I have a nephew that is 3 and I can see how these would be very useful.

Snorkeler said...

These are too cool!

Virginia said...

What a great idea! My two year old son is always wandering off, so these would be great for him. My sister has her hands full with two very energetic boys, so I'm sure she could use these, too. You can't be too careful these days.

Traci Lyn said...

Geez...I've been so busy I haven't been reading!!! I'd love to have some of these!!!!

Kelly Strei said...

Great idea! Leave it to a parent to invent these.

JeanM said...

These sound like a great idea. I plan to post the TAT info to some groups I belong to.
angel2cook at

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